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HomeLifestyleTravel10 Ways to Become a Successful Travel Blogger

10 Ways to Become a Successful Travel Blogger

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. In 2020, the travel and tourism industry’s global GDP contribution was about $4.7 trillion . Besides being the primary source of revenue for some nations, tourism holds many benefits for successful travel bloggers.

Organizations in the tourism, travel and hospitality industry look for influencers to promote their business. When you become a successful travel blogger, some top travel agencies and airlines may approach you for a possible partnership. However, before you start enjoying these benefits, you must have gained significant success in travel blogging.

Becoming a successful travel blogger doesn’t happen overnight – good things take time. To become a successful travel blogger, here are ten things you can do.

1. Discover your passion for travelling

Being a travel blogger exceeds going on trips around the world. It also involves experiencing travelling protocols, restrictions, annoying delays, cancelled flights, and culture shocks. Thus, a passion for travelling in its entirety is essential to becoming a successful blogger. Travelling can be fun, yet not everyone likes it. You need to develop a liking for travelling; passion will keep you going in good and bad times.

2. Develop a love for going outdoors

If you are an extrovert, then starting a travel blog can be perfect for you. Alternatively, an introvert may struggle to start a travel blog. Thus, you need to develop a liking for the world outside. Start by going on short road trips. Pack your bags, prepare your car, get a tent and start the journey. You may need to buy a roof rack Sydney from reputable stores to hold the tent on your vehicle. Seeing the world through the eyes of an introverted travel blogger can be interesting. You don’t have to become a complete extrovert; you just need to go out more.

3. Follow travel bloggers online

Travel bloggers have a wealth of experience and a good amount of success to back up their claims. The list of successful and knowledgeable travel bloggers is endless. Thanks to social media, you can follow them to get the latest updates on their next adventure. Besides talking about their adventures, they share helpful tips you can apply.

4. Read books on travel

It takes skill and knowledge to become a successful travel blogger. You can gain ideas from reading books on travelling. Some of the best books on travelling reveal vital travel writing techniques. In addition, reading travel blogs can teach you modern blogging skills. While your blogging career is just starting, you may adopt some of the styles from travel books and blogs.

5. Learn the basics of writing

A crucial and technical aspect of blogging is writing. Content writing is key to engaging your readers. By utilizing some of the best SEO practices, your blogs can appear on the front page of search engines. Consider learning the fundamentals of content writing by taking a short course online or getting a degree in college for more in-depth knowledge of writing. The most important thing is to write; your writing will only get better if you practice.

6. Take a photography and editing training

As a travel blogger, your readers want you to show them the word through your eyes. Pictures are perhaps the best way of describing a travel experience. Thus, taking pictures is necessary. However, hiring a professional photographer and editor is not only expensive but can also be inconvenient. Take a short course on photography and photo editing. You may also learn from a friend who is knowledgeable about photography. Study the basics of taking clear pictures. Also, learn how to edit the pictures. It saves money, time and increases your general knowledge.

7. Start a blog

After gaining the knowledge you need to become a blogger, you may start a blog. If you are on a limited budget, create a blog from a free CMS like WordPress. Over 14 per cent of the top websites in the world are built with WordPress. It also has thousands of free blog-building tools, including themes, widgets, and plugins. Ensure that the blog comes with SEO features to make further website optimization easier. Also, ensure that your blog displays seamlessly on both mobile and desktop devices.

8. Make the blog about your audience

Readers see the world through the eyes of the travel blogger. With time, they might want you to visit some of their favourite places. Thus, you should take note of their needs and tailor your blog to suit them. Ask for suggestions on travel destinations and attempt to visit the places your readers pick along with your favourites. Doing this makes you relatable to your readers. It also gives them one more reason to continue subscribing to your blog.

9. Develop research skills

Research is a vital skill you need to become successful in blogging. There are many places to visit and many things you should know before travelling to some destinations. Thus, you need to find out all the necessary information on your next destination. Information like the local currency, official language, climate, and the country’s relationship to your country is essential before booking a flight.

10. Use social media

Publishing blog content on your website is not enough to reach the peak of travel blogging these days. To become a travel blogger, you need to make social media an extension of your blog. You can post pictures of your travel experiences to your social media accounts in real-time. Before you are ready to publish new content, keep your audiences anticipating through social media.


It takes time, patience, and hard work to become a successful travel blogger. As your blog begins to gain more audience, there will be opportunities to make money. Yet, only work with brands that are related to your niche. Learning foreign languages will also help you improve your travelling experience. Finally, make your travel blog about your audience and have fun.



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