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HomeLifestyle25 Fun & Romantic Beach Date Ideas You'll Both Love

25 Fun & Romantic Beach Date Ideas You’ll Both Love

When you ask out your favorite person on a date, you want to make sure it’s romantic and fun. So take them to the beach! Cozy sand, the sound of waves crashing with the beautiful sky above – it’s a scene set for love. But what should you do to make your date as good as can be? These beach date ideas will make sure you show your date an amazing time.

What to Bring on Your Beach Date

No matter what you plan to do when you head to the water, you’ll want to pack a few beach essentials to help everything go smoothly.

  • A Bluetooth speaker for ambience
  • Blanket that’s big enough for you both to sit on, but small enough to keep you close
  • Cooler with snacks & beverages
  • Towels
  • Sunscreen
  • Water floaties (if weather permits)
  • Beach chairs
  • Cash (for food stands or fun activities)

Romantic & Relaxing Beach Date Ideas

Most people love going to the beach, which already gives you leg up when planning your beach date. But there are still plenty of ways to show your partner or love interest that you put thought into making your day or night extra special. Turn up the romance dial and give them a relaxing beach date they’ll never forget.

Sunset & Wine

Beaches + sunsets + wine = the perfect date. So find out what kind of wine your date likes, choose a romantic spot to lay out a blanket, and enjoy watching the beautiful sun disappear behind the horizon.

Sunrise & Coffee

Get up early and head to the beach for an early morning date. Grab coffee first at your favorite local java joint. Spending time together first thing in the morning can show a different side of both of you. You’ll feel at peace together as you watch the world wake up.


Beach bonfires are pure magic. There’s something about fire that stirs up those deep thoughts and conversations that you don’t always get the chance to talk about. It’s a truly perfect way to get to know your date better and learn about each other that you probably wouldn’t on a regular ole’ dinner date. (Check to make sure beach bonfires are allowed first, though.)

Beach Yoga

Sign up for a beach yoga class with your date. You’ll feel relaxed and maybe even laugh a little as you try new and challenging yoga poses. Or maybe you’ll even get to impress them with your flexibility!

Have a Picnic

Stay warm and dry in the sand with a cozy beach picnic. You’ll need a big blanket and a picnic basket full of tasty snacks. Show off your thoughtful side by asking your date ahead of time if they have any allergies or foods they really love. A bottle of refreshing wine might not hurt, either (if it’s allowed).

Beach Movie Night

Find out if there will be any beach movie nights in your area and ask your date to go with you. You’ll likely bring your own chairs or blankets, and cozy up to watch a fun summer flick under the stars.

Helpful Hack

Bring your favorite movie-watching snacks and drinks to make it even more memorable. Don’t forget a blanket to help you stay warm and cozy.

Rent a Boat

Boating is always fun, but you might not own one yet. Luckily, many marinas let you rent boats so you can show your date a great time. Pack plenty of snacks and drinks – and bring swimming gear so you can hop off at the sandbar for a dip.


Don’t underestimate the romantic simplicity of stargazing on the beach. There are apps that help you find constellations and explain what they are, so you can learn together about the greek or roman mythology that goes with the stars.

Go to a Beach Concert

Look up when the next live band will be at your beach and plan a date night for then. Even small live bands can be a lot of fun. Dance with your date to make them feel extra special and up the romance.

Float and Chill

Bring some comfortable inner tubes or floaties to the beach and just relax in the water! Cold drinks and a waterproof bluetooth speaker are encouraged here, and of course, good conversation. They’ll be gazing into your eyes in no time.

Moonlit Walk

Moonlit walks have long been on the list of most romantic things you can do with a date… that’s not an official statistic, but it’s probably true, right? Exploring the beach under the moon’s light and starry sky, listening to the waves crash into the shore, maybe even getting your feet wet.

Fun & Active Beach Date Ideas to Try

Chilling out at the beach is great, but maybe you want to add a little more excitement to your date. Whether that means doing something active, learning something new, or eating yummy treats, there are lots of ways to make your beach date even more fun.

Go Snorkeling

Snorkeling is such a fun way to spend time with your date. You can see some incredible things just under the surface of the water, and snorkeling gear is very affordable. This experience will give you lots to talk about and is a great memory for the two of you to cherish.


Try paddleboarding on your date, especially if your beach usually has calm water. Some places offer lessons that show you how to get on your board and find your balance (even if you fall off where you can’t touch). Then they’ll let you rent the paddleboard so you can try it out. Learning a new skill at the beach with your boo? Sounds great to me.


You might see lots of seagulls at the beach, but if it’s in a woodsy area, you might be able to spot some different kinds of species, too. Bring a birdwatching book and spend an hour or so walking around with your date to see if you can find something unique. Of course, make regular conversation with your date that’s not just about birds (unless you’re both extremely into it).

Kayaking and Canoeing

Maybe paddleboarding isn’t really your thing, but kayaking or canoeing could be. See if there is an option to rent them at your local beach, and then head out on the water. This one will be romantic any time of day, and you can include fun adult beverages.

Puppy Playdate

Take your dogs to the beach – they’ll love it just as much as you will! Let your fur kids run and play while you and your date get to know each other better. And if you and your love’s dogs have chemistry, that’s a very good sign.

Go for a Beach Run

A jog on the beach together is an adorable (and healthy!) way to spend time together, so long as you both enjoy running. You can even leave the headphones at home and jog slowly enough so you can still chat and get that quality time. Afterwards, grab a bagel and hang out by the water.

Sandcastle Contest

You don’t have to be a kid to build sandcastles. It’s still just as fun as an adult, and it’ll let you and your date explore your playful sides. Make it a contest to see who can build the coolest castle in 15 minutes. (You might want to let your date win, but that’s just a suggestion.)

Grab Ice Cream

If your beach has a local ice cream shack, definitely take advantage! After all, your date’s flavor of choice will reveal a lot about them. Jokes aside, ice cream will put you both in a great mood to start your date off on the right foot.

Try Surfing

If your beach has surfable waves, this could be a really fun date idea. Sign up for a two-person lesson with a surfing instructor, or if one of you already knows how, make it a private lesson with just each other – how romantic!

Scavenger Hunt

Write up a list of beach scavenger hunt items to look for together. Include things like a beautiful stone, a huge shell, pieces of driftwood or seaglass, and whatever else you think it would be fun to look for. You make this a contest between the two of you for some friendly competition.

Visit a Food Truck

Food trucks also like to gather at busy beach areas. If you’re lucky enough to have a beach like that, you’ll have plenty of food options to keep your date well-fed. Plus, food trucks are just fun. Watch out for the seagulls, though!

Hike the Dunes

Get active and go for a hike on sandy dunes. It doesn’t have to be too strenuous unless you both really want it to be. Just make sure you pack plenty of water and sunscreen, and make a plan to jump in the water after as a reward for all that hill work!

Find a Caricature Artist

Go to a pier boardwalk and you might stumble upon a caricature artist, who’ll draw a cartoonish portrait of you and your date. This might be better if you know each other well or are in a relationship, but maybe not first-date material.

Have the Best Date Ever at the Beach

The beach makes for such a great date location not only because of its natural beauty, but also all of the different kinds of activities you can do! There’s truly something for everybody, whether you’re active and thrill-seeking or want to do something more mellow and relaxing. You can even do a little bit of both, which will guarantee a memorable day that will make your date swoon.



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