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HomeLifestyleHealth3 Easy Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Snoring And Improve Overall...

3 Easy Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Snoring And Improve Overall Health

Snoring is a common problem that affects a significant number of people, regardless of age and gender. It is the sound produced when the air flows through the relaxed tissues in the throat, causing vibration during sleep. While occasional snoring may not be a cause for concern, persistent and loud snoring can be disruptive to both the snorer and their sleeping partner.

Snoring can have a variety of causes, including age, gender, lifestyle and underlying health conditions. Men are more likely to snore than women, and the risk increases with age. Factors such as obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking and nasal congestion can also contribute to snoring. Certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, allergies and asthma, can also cause snoring.

The effects of snoring go beyond disrupting sleep. It can cause daytime fatigue, irritability and decreased productivity. Long-term snoring can lead to more serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Snoring can also strain relationships, as the sound can be loud and disruptive to a sleeping partner, leading to resentment and arguments.

But these snoring problems can be cured by simple yoga asanas and will make your life much better. Here’re three simple yoga poses to get rid of snoring:


This yoga makes your spine flexible. It is also called Urdhva Chakrasana.

For this asana, lie down on your stomach after being relaxed. Keep both hands on either side of the body. Now bend the knees from behind and bring them near the waist, while slowly taking the hands back, holding both feet with both hands. At this time, your chest and neck should also be raised. Take long deep breaths. Stay in this pose for 20 to 30 seconds and do this yoga according to your capacity.


Bhujangasana is a back bending pose. It is also called the cobra pose. In this, the chest and neck have to be raised forward. This is one of the best asanas to strengthen and widen the abdomen. This yoga removes tension, fatigue and pain from sciatica. It also cures irregular menstruation.

To do this yoga, lie down on the asana after being relaxed on the stomach. Stretch your legs backwards while spreading your toes on the floor. Now rest the hands on the floor and bring the elbows next to your body. After this, with the help of the palms, slowly raise the chest as per the capacity. Breathe in, relax and release. While still pushing your navel down, slowly contract your buttocks. Stay in this pose for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat this yoga as per your capacity.

Bhramari Pranayama

This pranayama is related to breathing. A sound is made while inhaling and exhaling in Bhramari Pranayama. This pranayama calms the mind and heart and creates vibrations in the throat, jaw and face.

Cross your legs on a mat and calm your mind. Close your eyes too. Bring both palms in Om posture. Now press the fingers on the left nostril and inhale through the right nostril, then exhale through the other nostril and relax.

Give these exercises a must-try and they will help you a lot in getting rid of snoring.


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