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HomeLifestyle4 Key Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

4 Key Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

Infidelity affects almost half of all relationships. While no one tells us infidelity is such a rampart part of adult life, it runs like a plague through many homes.

You may have suspicions about your significant other, but how exactly can you know that your spouse is cheating?

If you’re worried you might have a cheating spouse, you’ve come to the right places. This article will walk you through a few signs that your spouse is cheating.

1. Decrease in Intimacy

If your spouse has been seeing someone else, there’s a very likely chance that you’ll see a decrease in intimacy in your relationship. If you’ve noticed that you and your partner are having less sex and that you’re getting the cold shoulder from your partner, they might just be getting their physical intimacy somewhere else.

However, intimacy isn’t limited to physical intimacy — there’s emotional intimacy as well. If you and your spouse don’t talk as much as you used to, don’t share as many common interests, and just don’t feel connected, there’s a very good chance that they could be cheating.

2. Improved Appearance

If you’ve noticed your spouse has been less intimate with you but has improved your appearance — something is certainly fishy. If your partner was less intimate because they were suffering from depression, they certainly wouldn’t improve their appearance. It’s much more likely that they’re saving their intimacy and good appearance for someone who isn’t you.

3. Shifty Friends

Unfortunately, if you live in a small, insular community, you might be the last person to know you’re getting cheated on. Many advice articles on the internet advise friends that they shouldn’t tell their friends they’re being cheated on.

If you or your spouse’s friends have felt uncomfortable when you’ve brought up your spouse, you may just be getting cheated on.

4. They’ve Cheated in the Past

If this is your spouse’s second marriage and their first one dissolved due to them cheating — you may fall victim to the same feet. Once a cheater always a cheater is a statement that has a lot of truth in it; once you’ve opened the door to that kind of behavior, it’s hard to close it.

If your partner has cheated on you in the past but has sworn that they have changed in their ways, but you’ve noticed some of the other items on this list occurring, they could be still cheating.

Know When Your Spouse is Cheating

As children, we see relationships as solid structures and cheating as rare. When we grow up we learn the ugly truth; infidelity is a lot more common than most people realize.

Knowledge is power. If you believe your spouse is cheating on you, but don’t have any evidence, your spouse has the power over you in your relationship. Your lack of knowledge can send your life into turmoil.

Gain your power back, and know when your spouse is cheating on you today.



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