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HomeLifestyleHealth4 Strength-Building Workouts That You Can Perform With Household Items

4 Strength-Building Workouts That You Can Perform With Household Items

Even if you don’t have access toa gym or traditional exercise equipment, like dumbbells or kettle balls, you can still perform strength-building workoutsat home using a few common household items. Know how

Stuck at home due to lockdown and missing the gym? Stop worrying about things that you can’t control and focus on making the best use of available time and resources. We have come up with some great ideas to turn your daily household items into gym equipment which will help you build strength and stay fit during the quarantine. From cartons of milk to bags of rice, we have a list of some common item present at home that you can use as workout props. Learn how to use them –

Large cartons of oat milk

The health benefits of oat milk are not just limited to consuming it, but it turns out that cartons containing it can also be used as weights for exercising, especially the carton that weigh 32 ounces. These small cartons are ideal for a curl and press. This one is a compound exercise that works the legs, core, arms, and shoulders in one dynamic movement.

How to

  • Stand with your shoulder-width apart and keep your abs tight holding a carton in each hand with an underhand grip.
  • Keeping your elbows by your sides, lift the weight to shoulder height.
  • Press the cartons overhead until your arms are completely straight.
  • Reverse the motion to bring your arms back down to your sides. That’s one rep. Make sure to keep your abs and glutes engaged throughout the move.

Bags of rice

You may have never thought of using uncooked rice this way. Hold two bags of rice in each hand while you do back lunges. (Or at your shoulders, if you’re an overachiever like that). This will target hamstrings, quads, knees and glutes.

How to

  • Grab the center of the bags with an overhand grip, and hold them at your sides with your arms straight
  • Step your right foot back a couple feet from your left.
  • Slowly bend your left knee to lower your body down to the ground, pausing just before your right knee touches the ground.
  • Bring your right foot back to meet your left. That’s one rep, do as many as you like before performing the same move on your left side.

Bags of flour

Use a bag of flour and put it inside a reusable tote bag to avoid any spilling. For this item, squats are the best. If you have two bags it is even better! You can hold each one at your side as you squat. But even if you have one bag, it is fine. This workout will help improve the mobility and the strength of your lower back, hips and legs. Using the bag of flour will allow you to increase the muscle strength further.

How to

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bag of flour at chest level with both hands.
  • Keep your abs tight as you bend your knees to lower your body down until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as close as you can get).
  • Press through your heels to lift your body and straighten your legs. When you reach the starting position, squeeze your glutes and thrust your hips forward. That’s one rep. Do as many as you’d like.

Jugs of water

You may also use some other liquid apart from water but it needs to be in a one gallon jug, or should weigh around 8.4 pounds. Just remember that the center of gravity for a jug of liquid is way less stable than an 8-pound dumbbell. So it might be a little harder to perform the exercise. That’s why a bent-over row is recommended which focuses on your back, glutes and legs and stabilizes the body too.

How to

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart facing a couch, chair, or other sturdy surface. Place your left hand on the surface with your elbow slightly bend, keeping your hand in line with your shoulder. Hold the jug in your right hand with your arm extended by your side.
  • Hinge forward at your hips until your torso is nearly parallel with the floor, then, keeping your arm close to your side, bend your right elbow to pull the jug upward until it reaches your chest.
  • Slowly lower the jug back down. That’s one rep. Do as many reps as you like before performing the exercise on the left side.


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