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HomeLifestyleHealth4 Things Millennial Men Can Do for Their Reproductive Health

4 Things Millennial Men Can Do for Their Reproductive Health

The frenetic pace that life and all its in betweens, have wrapped us all in since the turn of this millennium and then the forced impasse the pandemic ushered in has adversely impacted the sexual/reproductive health of many men. Here are a few to-dos and do-nots which could go way a long way in bringing about a positive change in one’s reproductive life:

  1. Workout to work it:
    Practising an active lifestyle and incorporating at least 45 minutes of any exercise from cycling to swimming to pilates to just about anything you are comfortable with and importantly are consistent with can boost testosterone levels, improve sperm quality besides releasing endorphins which bring in an absolute sense of well being.
  2. Stress less and rest more: As ingrained as stress is in our everyday life – prolonged periods of stress or anxiety causes an impairment in fertility and causes a decreased sense of sexual satisfaction. Stress increases cortisol levels which adversely affect testosterone levels. Emotional and mental health issues like depression and anxiety if recognized in time and therapy initiated early can cause positive changes in sexualand reproductive health too.Smoking is another assumed ‘stressbuster’ which can in turn affect sperm quality, so please quit smoking at the earliest.Also avoid laptops on lap tops.
  3. Good health includes good sexual health too: Issues like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation have long been considered taboo and are swept under the rug and cause havoc in the personal lives of many couples. But with awareness and confidence –as these complaints are brought up with their physician – many find there are easy solutions to these problems, which most often don’t even require medications and could be overcome with good counselling. Also its imperative to practice safe sex always to keep away from transmissible infections like Herpes, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and many more.
  4. The food we choose makes a difference: Processed and junk food has been proven to hamper hormones and can harm health including reproductive health in the long run. Sperm quantity and quality can improve by opting for a diet rich in protein, anti oxidants, Vit E and Omega 3 fatty acids including eggs, berries, walnuts, most fruits and vegetables etc.


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