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HomeLifestyle5 Art Activities That Kids Should Take Up For Cognitive Growth

5 Art Activities That Kids Should Take Up For Cognitive Growth

As children are always full of energy and seek something new and tend to get bored by the same thing overtime, it is important for parents to keep them involved in some or the other activity that would interest them and keep them engaged. These things become more important for the parents of children with special needs. These activities are essential for the development of children who have some special needs and their understanding capacity is different from that of their peers. Here we are going to learn about 5 such activities that parents must know and can perform with their children to help them and work in a therapeutic way.

What is art therapy?

A blended field of therapeutic exercises which is a combination of psychology, creative processes, art, external work and artistic techniques which helps an individual to explore emotions, address trauma or unresolved conflicts and supports to develop the sense of self-awareness.

This is a technique which helps young individuals in raising self confidence and developing social skills. The best thing about art therapy is that it involves positive psychology and does not require any kind of special training as it is a free flowing technique.

5 Art therapies parents must know that can help their kids

Here are 5 art therapies that parents should not just learn but perform with their child in order to help them to develop the understanding capacity as their peers and to keep them engaged.

1. Finger Painting

Do you remember the last time you took out some water colors and made your hands dirty and created a mess all around the house? Well if it took you more than 5 seconds to answer this question then it means that it has been a long while and this is the right time to do so and to engage your little one with you as well.

Finger painting is a therapeutic art which is proven to be helpful in the initial stages when it is difficult for the child to hold colors or paint brushes and moreover it is a satisfying and easier to perform.

2. Clay Sculptures

A soft colorful mass that can be transformed into various exciting, colorful shapes and figures by kneading, rolling, cutting and moulding. The process of clay moulding is somewhat relaxing, calming and entertaining as well. Try this out with your little one and watch them transforming a goofy mass into various artistic creations.

3. Paper Folding

Paper folding or origami is a Japanese art technique in which various shapes and creatures can be made by folding a sheet of paper. A technique which does not require a lot of equipment or supplies and can simply be performed just by folding a simple sheet of paper back and forth in order to make various shapes.

This technique is helpful in enhancing the child’s creativity and creating empathy towards the environment.

4. Dance

Something that many people find peace in and a way to channelize the energy of your child in the right direction, dance is an essential part of therapy required for children with special needs. This activity helps to provide the essential exercise that the child requires and helps to enhance the motor skills.

5. Music

We all love some soothing and relaxing music, but what if it is not a therapy just for your ears but therapeutic for your child’s development as well? Some researchers have proven that music can actually help in calming as well as stimulating various areas of a child’s brain. A therapy which helps them to increase concentration and might also help to stimulate their interest in playing some or the other musical instrument.



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