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HomeLifestyle5 Parenting Tips to Forge Positive Relationship Between Siblings

5 Parenting Tips to Forge Positive Relationship Between Siblings

Are you tired of your children’s continuous bickering? Well, we will get to that but let’s understand that it is important for all parents to understand that they play a vital role in fostering positive sibling relationships. Moreover, reducing competition and conflicts between them.

Parents can aid siblings in establishing a positive relationship by encouraging activities that promote teamwork, providing them with opportunities to have fun together and solve problems, etc. If you want to encourage good bonds between your children, make sure to keep the suggestions listed below in mind.

Understand them:

Yes, while you must have heard that you should treat your kids equally, it isn’t the right thing to do. Every child has their own needs and each of them has their own pace. You can only work on their relationship once you fully understand each of them well enough.

Love them equally:

Let your children know how much you love them by expressing it openly. Never let them feel excluded, and always make them feel wanted. Do not play favourites with them. This will automatically improve their behaviour and attitude toward their siblings once they know that they are equally important to their parents.

Do not indulge in their fights:

Do not get involved in their fights unless it gets extremely serious. Let them sort their issues out on their own.

No partiality:

Set some rules and ensure that they are equally implied to everyone. Make sure not to bend the rules for any child. Doing so can give your child the impression that you love them more. As a result, it may facilitate a feeling of competition among your children.

Be a good listener:

When your children get in a fight, do not react after listening to one side of the story. Be a good listener and hear what everyone else has to say. This will help you make a fair decision.



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