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HomeLifestyle5 Ways To Bridge Emotional Distance Between You And Your Partner

5 Ways To Bridge Emotional Distance Between You And Your Partner

Do you feel emotionally drifted from your partner? You are not alone. It’s never easy to understand why your partner is pulling away from you. It just feels that they are less interested in you. As a result, a surfeit of thoughts emerges in your head, leading to extensive overthinking. You might even think that maybe it is because they have someone else in their lives. While it may be true, sometimes it can also be because of the good things happening in your life. Baffled? You may agree that personal achievements require deep investments and it may not include your partner. Although it is crucial for your personal growth, it may affect your relationship to a certain level.

The signs of emotional withdrawal and unavailability intensify over time if you do not take action. We are certain that you have stumbled upon this article because you are going through something similar. But worry not, we have got you covered. The dynamics of every relationship are different. Thus, not all suggestions listed below may apply to your situation.

Availability, but in an innovative way:

Doing things that you usually protest or things that your partner can never expect from you can come as a surprise for them. As a result, it may make them feel special and inject intimacy into a relationship instantly.

Curiosity is important:

Sometimes we get so absorbed in ourselves that we become completely ignorant about the other person’s feelings. Being empathetic towards your partner and being a pillar for them in need is deeply intimate. Trying to be understanding does not mean you have to agree with them even when you don’t. It simply means that you care enough to listen and trust them enough to share your disagreements.

Ensure to invest in yourself:

Investing in yourself, your development, as well as wellness, is crucial. When you are content in your personal life, it will make it easier for you to connect with your partner and engage with them fully, mindfully, and meaningfully.

Do not ignore problems

Certain issues need to be addressed. By ignoring discussing important things, you are only eating away your connection. If you are ignoring some things because you are scared that it may lead to ugly arguments, let us tell you, it will make things worse later. You may not feel the subtle changes regularly but there will be a point when the erosion will accentuate. Believe it or not, avoidance destroys intimacy. So sit like adults and talk it out.


Be more grateful to each other. Instead of consistently poking them for their flaws, appreciate them. Tell them what makes them special and list as many qualities as you can. This will make your partner feel like they are being seen. Moreover, it will also boost their self-esteem and draw them to you.



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