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HomeLifestyle51 Weird & Wonderful Winter Animal Facts for Kids

51 Weird & Wonderful Winter Animal Facts for Kids

Snowy owls, reindeer, and polar bears are just some of the fascinating winter animals that grace our world. What is so miraculous about these chionophiles is the amazing adaptations that they have made to survive in the harsh environments that they call home.

If you’re hoping to learn about some cute winter animals, we

Fast Fact

Animals that can survive winter conditions, especially in snow, are called chinophiles.

Interesting Polar Bear Facts

Contrary to popular belief, polar bears do not call Antarctica home, but they do live in some pretty chilly places! Here are some interesting facts about these sea bears. (When you’re done, check out a few polar bear jokes, too!)

  • Polar bears have black skin, which helps them to stay warm.
  • They call Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Russia, and Norway their home.
  • They can swim for almost 10 days at a time spanning distances of over 400 miles.
  • Their paws can reach almost one foot in diameter (30 cm)!
  • The largest polar bear ever recorded weighed 2,209 pounds and stood nearly 12 feet tall. This is much larger than the average male, which normally only weighs between 550 – 1700 pounds.
  • Polar bears swallow their food in large chunks instead of chewing it.
  • They have no natural predators, other than other polar bears.
    • Yes, they can be cannibals!
  • Not all polar bears hibernate. Unlike other bears, only the pregnant females will enjoy this time of rest.
  • A group of polar bears is called an aurora or celebration.
  • Grolar and Pizzly bears (polar bear and grizzly bear hybrids) exist.
Fast Fact

Scientists note the existence of grolar bears is likely due to the melting of the ice caps, which is causing polar bears to head to dry land, paired with construction in Southern Canada that is pushing grizzlies to the north.

Riveting Reindeer Facts

Turns out that the team that pulls Santa’s sleigh is a pretty magical bunch! Not only do they change their appearances for the holiday season, but they actually have glowing noses, in the right light!

  • Reindeer and caribou are the same species!
  • Male reindeer lose their antlers in the fall whereas female reindeer lose them after delivering their calves in the spring. What this means is that Santa’s reindeer are girls!
  • They also have extra blood vessels in their noses, which makes their noses glow on thermal cameras!
  • They are the only deer species with hair on their noses.
  • Their eyes turn blue during the winter months. This helps them capture light more effectively during this dark period of the year.
  • Reindeer are the only mammals that can see UV light.
  • The name “reindeer” comes “from the old Norse word “hreinn,” which means deer.
  • Reindeer are smaller than most people believe, only measuring 28 to 53 inches from their feet to their shoulders.

Fascinating Arctic Fox Facts

Arctic foxes are striking creatures. That beautiful white coat and their nimble nature make them hard to resist, but there are some things you may not know about these chionophiles. Take a look!

  • Arctic foxes change color based on the season. In the winter, they don their quintessential white coat, but in the summer, they shed it and take on a darker color with thinner fur.
  • They are small creatures only weighing 6 to 10 pounds. Their small stature helps to reduce heat loss in their cold environment.
  • These foxes only live in the wild for three to four years.
  • Arctic foxes are the animal that brought rabies to Newfoundland.
  • When food is scarce, Arctic foxes follow the footprints of polar bears to find scraps.
  • Arctic foxes are monogamous and they mate for life.
  • A group of these chionophiles is called a leash or a skulk.
  • Males are called dogs and females are called vixens.

Spectacular Snowy Owl Facts

It is the bird made famous by Harry Potter: Hedwig is an adorable creature with some very interesting adaptations. Seriously! Check out these little hoo-dinis!

  • Male snowy owls are all white while the females are speckled with brown bars on their feathers.
    • Ironically, even though Hedwig is a female in the Harry Potter movies, all of the owl “actors” were males!
  • Like other owls, these winter animals can turn their heads a whopping 270 degrees!
    • This adaptation helps them to see better. Many people don’t know that owls don’t have eyeballs, but rather, eye tubes. This means that their gaze is fixed forward.
  • The ends of a snowy owl’s feathers are soft, making their aerial approaches silent.
  •  Snowy owls look like they are wearing slippers. That’s because their feet are covered in feathers to help them to stay warm.
  • These birds have large, bright yellow eyes. This allows them to hunt more effectively in the daylight.
    • This differs from nocturnal hunters that have darker irises.

Surprising Snow Leopard Facts

These big cats are majestic winter animals that are surrounded by mystery. After learning these snow leopard facts, you will definitely not want one sneaking up on you!

  • Snow leopards are actually more closely related to tigers than their namesake, the leopard.
  • They are the smallest of the big cat species.
  • Despite this, they can still reach impressive sizes, getting up to seven feet in length and up to 165 pounds!
  • Unlike other cats, snow leopards have impressively long tails reaching almost four feet in length.
    • This is to help them balance and provide them with added warmth.
  • They can only be found on the continent of Asia.
  • Snow leopards are solitary creatures. In fact, they are such recluses, that there’s no official name for a group of these creatures.
  • They can’t roar, but they do make other nerve-wracking noises.
  • They can also travel as far as 25 miles in one night!
  • Snow leopards can jump spans of almost 50 feet.

Phenomenal Penguin Facts

Who can resist Antarctica’s little gentlemen? These tuxedo-clad chionophiles are pretty cool! Here are some fun facts about these adorable winter animals.

  • A group of penguins in the water is called a raft, but when they are on land, they are called a waddle.
  • The penguin tuxedo is actually a unique type of camouflage called countershading.
    • If a predator is above them, their black backs help them to blend in with the darkness of the ocean.
    • If a predator is below them, their white bellies help them blend with the light breaking through the water’s surface.
  • Penguins are known for living in Antarctica, but they can also naturally be found on the continents of South America, Africa, and Australia.
  • Unlike other birds, penguins have solid bones. This reduces buoyancy, making them more efficient swimmers.
  • Emperor penguins can dive for “almost 30 minutes on a single breath.”
  • Penguins jump in the air before diving in the water. This is to release air bubbles that may be caught in their feathers, decreasing drag and increasing their speed.

Chionophiles Are Curious Creatures

Winter animals are simply amazing! They can survive jarring conditions with scarce resources. This makes them pretty remarkable! If you want to learn more weird animal facts, check out our collection of weird facts articles to find out more about Mother Nature’s most interesting creatures and phenomena!



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