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HomeLifestyle6 Qualities Teenage Girls Want in Boys

6 Qualities Teenage Girls Want in Boys

Which type of boys girls like will be different for every girl. Some girls might be driven toward hot guys while others like someone to make them laugh. No matter what girls look for in a guy first, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that being attractive, confident and easy to talk to rank high.

Top Qualities Teen Girls Want

No doubt, different girls will have different priorities when it comes to finding a significant other. One girl may want someone who makes her laugh above all else, while another one may not mind a lack of good jokes as long as she feels like a guy listens to what she has to say. However, the general list of things ladies look for in their guys is largely the same. According to survey results at KidsHealth.org, teenage girls like guys who are cute, funny, smart, and make them feel good.


Confidence is probably the number one thing that girls look for in boys, and it’s extremely important to getting a girlfriend in middle school or high school. A guy who is self-confident has high self-esteem and believes in himself. This quality makes a boy more attractive because he genuinely feels good and likes himself-and girls are seeking these qualities in themselves. Girls especially love confidence because being around a confident guy makes them feel like he can be counted on. A video compilation published by social researcher, author, and speaker Shaunti Feldhahn’s site showed that girls want guys to be confident.

Good Grooming

If a guy wants to get a teenage girl’s attention, he should follow basic grooming standards, such as showering, wearing deodorant, and wearing clean clothes. Girls will also notice a guy’s style, including his clothes and hairstyle, but beyond the basics, there is how he carries himself and how comfortable he appears to be. Cosmopolitan magazine and Hen Heaven paired up to conduct an experiment to find out which type of Tinder profile did the best. Between the hipster, the lad (average guy), the metrosexual, the rocker, and gym buff, the style-conscious and impeccably groomed metrosexual profile did the best.

Good Sense of Humor

Making a girl laugh can heighten her attraction, as laughter is a natural aphrodisiac. Being funny can set a guy apart and make him appear more attractive, easy to relate to, and easy to approach. Laughter also increases positive feelings, so girls will automatically think more highly of a guy who makes them smile and laugh. The Art of Charm says making a girl laugh will make you memorable and create a lasting attraction.

Easy to Talk to

Girls love to engage and communicate, so a guy who is willing to have long conversations or who is a good listener will set himself apart from the rest. Developing conversation skills might mean learning how to listen, thinking up good questions to ask girls, and showing girls that you like them for more than just their physical appearance. Shaunti.com also reported that girls want a guy who listens to them and what she says.

Physical Attraction

Girls look for guys who are cute and good looking, but it’s a personal taste as to what matters the most. Girls are much more interested in a warm smile and nice eyes (these may be what a girl looks for in a guy physically), but it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Girls will quickly get tired of good looks and seek out a guy who is confident and likable as a person. Even if you don’t think you look good enough to get much a response from girls off the bat, the things you consider flaws may become things she loves about your appearance and what makes her find you even more attractive over time, dating coach Dan Bacon of The Modern Man explains. A girl can become truly attracted to an average guy’s physical looks based on how he interacts with her.


Guys can impress a teenage girl when they have manners and respect her. Just do nice things. Hold the door open for her, offer your jacket when she’s cold, listen to her and make an effort to find common interests (bonus if you find you’re both passionate about some of the same things!). Make your interactions about her and try to put her at ease as much as you can, says psychologist Nancy Kalish, Ph.D. in an article from WebMD. Everyone wants to feel respected, says speaker, radio host, and author Dawson McAllister’s TheHopeLine.com, and that especially goes for relationships. Guys can show girls respect, he says, by never pressuring her sexually, never talking down to her, pointing out her strengths, being respectful to the other important people in her life, and more.

The Importance of Chemistry

A feeling of chemistry or a spark is another important thing that sets apart guys who are just friends from guys who become boyfriends. That spark comes from confidence and physical attraction, but it’s also about a deeper connection that can’t be forced; it is about being magnetically drawn to one another.



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