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HomeLifestyleHealth6 Ways Men Can Tackle Severe Hair Loss

6 Ways Men Can Tackle Severe Hair Loss

Taking care of your hair when you rarely get time for yourself can be difficult but severe hair loss should not be ignored. Here are some ways to fix the problem!

A common problem faced by a lot of people is hair loss. It can happen due to old age, it can happen due to poor nutrition, stress or poor lifestyle choices. External applicants are good for the hair but until tour body has the nutrition that it requires, your hair fall problem will never go away. It could become worse, your hair might become dry, brittle and will also look malnourished. Don’t be mistaken, this problem is not just experienced by women but also by men. Men are also more prone to the bald gene passed down by their fathers. This makes it more difficult for them to control hair fall. Many men start loosing so much hair during their 30s that they become bald. The gene factor however cannot be controlled by just nutrition. But, here are a list of products that you could try.

Minoxidil Or Rogaine

Rogaine won’t restore your lost hair, but it can help you hold on to what’s left. The topical medication increases blood flow and delivers more oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles.


The composition of nutrafol contains vitamins and herbs which will work on reducing the levels of dihydrotestosterone, the byproduct of testosterone. This byproduct majorly impacts on the hair causing severe hair loss.

Vitamin D

Vitamins play a huge role in skin and hair. Low levels of vitamin especially vitamin is linked to hair loss. It is known to help stimulate hair follicles and vitamin D supplement can also induce new hair growth very quickly.

Corticosteroid Treatments

Sometimes hair loss is caused by inflammation from medical conditions such as autoimmune disorders. In the case of alopecia, for instance, corticosteroid medications can be injected into the scalp to help stop inflammation. This treatment helps stimulate hair growth. However, before you think of availing it, a doctors recommendation is a must.

Iron Supplements Or Iron Rich Foods

One of the causes of hair loss is iron deficiency. Load up on all the foods that are very rich in iron. If that is not enough, you could take iron supplements as well.

Meditation And Exercise

Your stress level plays a very big factor on your hair. If you notice that your hair is thinning and you are developing bald patches, aside from all the products and medicines that you are using, you should also address your mental health state. Mediation is one way to go on about it. Exercise also helps reduce stress and channels your anxiety in a better way. It is a step that you must try.



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