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HomeLifestyle7 Traits Found Only In An Exceptionally Brilliant Child

7 Traits Found Only In An Exceptionally Brilliant Child

Some children are born with abilities well above the average. There are some traits that you will notice only in them. Once identified, you should nurture their creative instincts and keep encouraging them. This space identifies 7 features that show your child is born with rare talent.


Exceptionally talented kids are highly sensitive and often perceive more stimuli in comparison to others. Children with this quality need parents’ help to accept and validate their feelings. For example- these children are sensitive and even a small failure will be a big blow to their morale or self-confidence.

Quick learner

This is another sign that a child is exceptionally bright for their age. Children with this quality tend to pick up new things sooner than their peers. They could learn the tables or English words sooner as compared to their peers.

High energy levels

With so much going on in their brains, gifted kids can sometimes have high energy levels. They might get more excited than their peers about new topics or activities. Their brains love to be engaged and require a way to channelise their energy in a productive way.

Ability to focus for very long periods

A prodigy can focus for very long periods of time, even at a young age. For example- these children can focus on reading a book or playing with building blocks for a good 30 minutes. However, their counterparts with fewer concentration levels will not be able to give that much time.

Love solving puzzles

Some exceptionally bright children are also able to work through puzzles easily. They can also recognize patterns more quickly than their peers.

Voracious reader

Many children build their literacy skills before going to kindergarten and read comparatively fast than their peers.

Immensely creative

Another common trait in gifted children is creative skills people cannot expect from their counterparts. Many gifted children tend to have vivid imaginations creating their own stories or identifying strongly with characters in books or movies.



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