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HomeLifestyleHealth8 Easy Yoga Poses For Strong Arms & Shoulders

8 Easy Yoga Poses For Strong Arms & Shoulders

When it comes to building strong and toned arms and shoulders, gyming might be the first thing that comes to your mind. Lifting those heavy weights is what many people do. However, many, especially women, get afraid that it might make them bulky. If you are one of them, there is an alternative you can try. Yoga is a great way to get strong and toned arms and shoulders. Just like you lift weights in the gym, in Yoga, you use your body weight for the same effect. Also, you get several additional benefits associated with Yoga too, such as improved flexibility, more energy, balance, calmness, and focus. So, if you too want to get arms and shoulder strength the Yoga way, here are 8 Yoga Asanas, or poses, you can do:

Yoga For Strong Arms & Shoulders

If you want to make your arms stronger, you need to put pressure on them. This is just how this works. So, here are some Yoga poses for strong arms and shoulders:

1# Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

One of the foundational Yoga poses, plank pose, or phalakasana, is not just great strong arms, shoulders, and wrist, but it is also good for the spine and the abdomen. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Start in the tabletop pose with palms under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Curl the toes of your right foot and extend it so that it’s completely straight.
  • Firm up your core and glute muscles and do the same on your left side.
  • Make sure that your arms and spine are straight.
  • This is your plank pose.
  • Stay here for at least 30 seconds and release gently.

2# Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

Similar to the plank pose, the side plank pose also makes your arms and wrist strong, while also strengthening your oblique and glute muscles. What sets it apart from plank is that the side plank pose doesn’t put that much pressure on your spine, lower back, and abdomen. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start in a plank pose with your belly strong and spine straight.
  • Putting some pressure on your right arm and wrist, gently turn 90° such that all the pressure is now on your right palm and the right side of your right foot.
  • You no longer face the floor but to the left side.
  • This is the side plank pose.
  • Stay here for 12-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

3# Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)

When it comes to building strong arms, plank poses are considered to be the best, and dolphin pose is another Yogasana you can do for the same.

  • Start on your all fours with palms underneath the shoulders and knees underneath the hips.
  • Lower your forearms such that your elbow is beneath your shoulders.
  • Curl your toes, firm up your belly and extend both your legs such that your tailbone rises to the ceiling.
  • You should resemble an inverted ‘V’, the only thing is your forearms are on the ground.
  • Make sure your neck hangs heavy and you put no strain on it.
  • Stay here for a couple of breaths and come out of the pose gently.

4# Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)

Another variation of the plank pose you can do for strong arms and shoulders is the upward plank pose or Purvottanasana. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Start sitting straight with your legs extended in front of you and arms to your sides.
  • Take your palms a few inches behind the hips, keep them straight, and gently rise, such that just your palms and heels are on the ground.
  • Keep your spine straight and abdomen and glutes tucked in.
  • Stay in this pose for a few breaths and come down gently.

5# Three-Legged Dog Pose (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This particular pose does not just make your arms and shoulders strong, but it also brings a gentle stretch to your spine, lower and upper back, and your legs. This is how you can do the three-legged dog pose or Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana.

  • Start on your all fours with palms under the shoulders and knees under the hips.
  • Take your palms a few inches forward, tuck your toes and raise such that you resemble an inverted ‘V’. This is the downward-facing dog pose.
  • From here, extend your right leg up. This is the three-legged dog pose on one side.
  • Stay here for a couple of breaths and repeat on the other side.

6# Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

A strong backbend, the upward facing dog, or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, stretches your abdomen, spine, and chest and makes your arms and shoulders strong. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  • Lie down on your belly with your palms underneath your shoulders.
  • Keeping your toes untucked, gently rise such that your arms are fully extended and your upper body and thighs are up from the ground. This is the upward-facing dog pose.
  • Stay here for as long as you can and breathe deeply.

7# Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Being similar to the upward-facing dog pose, the cobra pose, or Bhujangasana, provides you all the benefits of the former pose, however, it puts less strain on your shoulders and chest.

  • Start with lying on your belly and your toes untucked.
  • Place your palms underneath your shoulders and gently rise.
  • Ensure your elbows should be bent, and your abdomen, thighs, and lower legs should be on the floor.
  • Stay in this pose for a few seconds and breathe deeply.

8# Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

The bow pose, or Dhanurasana, opens your shoulders and neck and brings a deep stretch to your arms, neck, chest, abdomen, hips, and legs. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  • Lie on your belly with your chin on the mat and your arms to the side such that the palms face up.
  • Bend your knees and bring your heels as close to your hips as you can.
  • Gently raise your chest and hold your feet with your palm and rise further.
  • You should rise till just your abdomen rests on the floor and the rest of your body is up from the floor.
  • You should resemble a bow in this bow pose or Dhanurasana.
  • Stay for a few breaths and release gently.

After you are done with these eight poses, it would be good to end the practice with a few minutes of corpse pose (Savasana), or child’s pose (Balasana). The latter would be better as after putting so much pressure on your arms, this will stretch them relieving any kind of tension and strain. So, these are some of the easy yoga poses you can do for strong arms and legs.



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