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HomeLifestyleHealthAdd These Ingredients To Enhance Your Flavour & Benefits Of Green Tea

Add These Ingredients To Enhance Your Flavour & Benefits Of Green Tea

Drinking green tea has many benefits but did you know that you can add more ingredients to it to enhance the goodness of green tea. We will tell you the things you can add to your green tea that may increase the flavour and benefits of green tea.

1. Lemon: Lemon juice reduces the bitter taste of green tea. Lemon juice also increases antioxidants in green tea that are more beneficial for your body. You may squeeze a lemon in the cup only after filtering the green tea.

2. Ginger: If you want to enhance the taste of green tea, you can also add ginger to it. Ginger increases the health benefits of green tea. Did you know that if you add ginger to green tea, it increases your immunity as well as helps prevent cancer?

3. Stevia Leaves: Stevia is a sweetener that can sweeten your green tea without causing any harm. So you can add stevia leaves to green tea and consume it. On the other hand, if you consume it daily, it reduces your body’s calories as well as controls blood sugar levels.

4. Mint leaves and cinnamon: Adding mint leaves to green tea helps to increase your immunity. At the same time, it improves digestion. On the other hand, if you drink this green tea, you don’t feel hungry for a long time, which helps you lose weight.

DISCLAIMER: These should be considered as suggestions only. Kindly consult a doctor before following any of the above-mentioned treatments /medications /diets.


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