Buying bulk food is usually cheaper than buying in small amounts. But that may lead to larger wastage of food. To prevent this, you can store them in a freezer. It is the safest way to preserve food for a considerable amount of time. Plus, it will save up your efforts, time and money by planning ahead. It also helps reduce the quantity of food that otherwise might go to the bin. The danger that comes with freezing food is freezer burn. To avoid problems like these, here are a few simple tips that will help you put food in a freezer in the most efficient way:
Freezer Bags
Freezer bags are the best solution when it comes to making the most out of freezer space. Also called zip N lock bags, they are perfect for storing a wide variety of food items including fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. Pro Tip: To preserve hot liquids like soups or stews, the first step is to bring them to a normal temperature before putting them in the freezer. Solidify them in a single layer before stacking them up to save up on space.
Air exposure