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HomeLifestyleHealthKnow Why Some People Feel Colder Than Others

Know Why Some People Feel Colder Than Others

Not every human body is the same. We all have different sensitivity levels and that is why, you must have noticed that some people usually feel colder than others. For example, you must have a friend who also has cold hands all the time or someone who would put on a jacket even when the temperature on a normal day drops by 2 degrees.

There are some reasons behind it, and in this story, we will explain them to you. Before we dive into this topic one must understand the difference between feeling cold and being cold. When you are being cold, your body temperature drops. For example, when you go to a high elevation area, your body temperature lowers and you might even get hypothermia, which can damage your body.

However, when you feel cold, your body temperature remains normal but the exterior factors make you feel colder.

Now read about the reasons why one feels colder than the other:

Many physical factors of all sorts contribute to how cold you feel. The basic concept of feeling cold or hot is related to our blood vessels. But some factors affect your body temperature such as:

Body fat: This one is a basic fact as the more fat you have under your skin the more secure you are from cold.

Age: As you get old, your body gets unable to regulate its temperature, making you feel colder even at room temperature.

Sleep: This must be a shocker for many people, but sleep can also affect your body temperature. Sleep affects your stress level, metabolism, brain activity, and more. These things directly affect your body temperature which is why sleep is also on the list of reasons why people feel colder than others.



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