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HomeLifestyleHealthDark Circles Despite Sound Sleep? Here's What You Are Missing

Dark Circles Despite Sound Sleep? Here’s What You Are Missing

Are you facing the problem of dark circles even after taking a good night’s sleep? Then the problem is not with your sleeping schedule. Instead, the problem lies in the fact that you are not consuming adequate nutrients in your diet. We have compiled a list of essential nutrients whose deficiency can lead to the problem of dark circles.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C increases blood circulation and the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity. It eventually restores the skin’s firmness and glows. Oranges and Cauliflower are rich sources of Vitamin C.


If the problem of dark circles is persisting with dizziness and tiredness, iron deficiency could be the case. The deficiency of iron also cuts down the oxygen supply. This accelerates the problem of dark circles. Due to limited oxygen supply, skin appears pale. This pale skin becomes a strong factor responsible for dark circles. Green vegetables and beans are a good source of iron.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K improves blood circulation in areas around the eyes. Vitamin K also reduces the cause of inflammation. Oil containing Vitamin K, Vitamin K content cream, Gel based Vitamin K, and Vitamin K capsules are excellent sources of obtaining this nutrient.

In the case of Vitamin K capsules, prior consultation with physicians is necessary. Homemade Vitamin K packs, Turnip greens, cauliflower, and pomegranate are also rich sources of obtaining this Vitamin.

Vitamin E

According to Healthline, Vitamin E supplies moisture and locks water. This results in hydrated skin. Many reports have also shown that Vitamin E decreases skin wrinkles. Vitamin E can work for all skin types including dry, mature and sensitive. Vitamin E oil has a lot of antioxidant properties that help reduce damage due to UV radiation.


This chemical found in fruits and vegetables is high in antioxidants. It helps reduce pigmentation. It eventually reduces dark circles. Pigmentation is the colouring of a person’s skin.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)



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