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HomeLifestyleHow to Flirt with a Woman Without Being Cheesy

How to Flirt with a Woman Without Being Cheesy

Have you always ended up being a creep, when actually you are just trying to impress the girl? Don’t worry, you are not alone. A lot of guys approach women with an intent to impress but they end up making the situation a mess. Flirting can quickly transform from being cute to becoming cheesy. And nobody wants that. If you go too far then you might even be considered a disrespectful person.

Here is a guide to flirt with a woman in the most respectful manner. It may strike a healthy conversation between you two and lead to a start of something new and amazing.

Approach Her Right

It’s a thousand times better to approach a woman normally like “Hey! How are you?” instead of using a cheesy pick-up line which can get you rejected in no time. The best way to approach a girl is being yourself. Approach her in a polite and respectful way. Most girls like it when guys approach them in a direct way. Moreover, if you get rejected, just stop right there – do not go all in and force your words on her.

Eye Contact

Direct eye contact is a sign of telling someone that you like them. Maintain an eye contact for long enough to make her understand that you are interested but not too long as it might turn creepy, which you obviously don’t want. Smile when your eyes meet and maintain eye contact to start a conversation.

Also, do not forget to notice her gestures, hand movements, et cetera – her body language can tell you if she’s into you. Keep observing her during the conversation to figure out your next move but please do not stare.

You Should be a Good Listener

Well, this should be a no-brainer. As much as you like to talk about yourself, others like that too. Listen to what she says, do not pretend because it is not so hard to figure out if a person is actually listening to you or not. If you are listening to her carefully, then she will definitely want to talk to you more. So, listen.

Smile More!

Who doesn’t like a smiling face? You might fail at flirting but a genuine smile is enough to show her that you are into her and want to take this forward. A smile shows confidence and she will know that you are a nice guy who is just trying to get to know her better.

Compliment her

As human beings, we all love appreciation and getting compliments. Giving a compliment is a great way to make the girl fall for you. But make sure, it is a genuine compliment and not something you are just making up. A direct compliment shows the other person in what light you see them.

Take Away…

While there is no definite rule to flirting, there is a thin line between being flirty and being creepy. You must know what might seem pleasant and what not. When it comes to flirting, there is a lot of scope of making yourself look like a fool but with a subtle approach, you can look more genuine than cheesy.



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