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HomeLifestyleRead this to know why you keep attracting the wrong people

Read this to know why you keep attracting the wrong people

We are often on the lookout for the perfect match for ourselves and in the quest, we end up attracting someone who is wrong for us. At first, it might seem immaculate – the dates, the gifts and everything else. But eventually, it appears that the romantic partner whom you thought is good for you is not what you expected. They turn out to be judgmental, narcissists, and just wrong for you.

Here are some of the reasons why you might be attracting the wrong kind of people:

Low Self-esteem 

If you think that you do not deserve to have someone amazing, the chances are you are not going to find someone amazing. When a person makes up in their mind that “I don’t deserve better”, that is when the problem starts.

Take your time and think about your qualities. If need be, grab a pen and a paper and jot down what you think are the best qualities that define you. Now, don’t go all negative on yourself. Be patient, think clearly and write. Unleash your innate fabulousness and believe in yourself. In no time, you will be attracting the right kind – one that does not exude arrogance, and full of life and love.

Addicted to Bad Relationships 

Addiction to anything is possible, even bad relationships. Once you are stuck in a vicious cycle of bad relationships, they just keep coming back and it becomes difficult to break free. If you’ve have lost a track of who you are and supposed to be, then the chances are that you are addicted to bad relationships.

It is quite easy to fall under such pretences, given it satisfies your need to validate the wrong notions that you have about yourself. For example, if you think you are “unlovable” then you probably going to date someone who reminds you of this constantly. The only way to get over your addiction is to cut ties with the person who puts you down all the time. Just embrace your awesomeness by loving yourself and do not let people tell you otherwise.

No Clarity

Clarity is an important aspect for every feeling you experience, your career and your relationships. If you are unsure of what you are looking for in your partner then you need to take time out and think. Clarity is a must when it comes to choosing your happily ever after.

Being clear about your relationship goals will make you feel ecstatic and you will definitely meet someone you truly deserve and in turn receive the love you have been waiting for.

Believing all the Good Ones are Gone

Do you often believe that the good ones are already gone? Do you think that you have to settle for whatever you find? These inappropriate thoughts boggle up the minds of many and they end up being disappointed. Stop believing it – the right guy or girl could be in front of you and you might not be noticing them. Don’t go out and meet people with a mindset that they are not good enough, you never know they might be the one.

In a nutshell, don’t let these pitfalls drag you down and miss on somebody who is your potential partner to be. Get a clarity on what you want for yourself and what you look for in a partner. Hold your head high and believe in yourself to attract the right kind of people.



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