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HomeLifestylePoints Single Fathers Should Note While Raising A Girl Child

Points Single Fathers Should Note While Raising A Girl Child

Single parenting is considered a very tough job because doing all the work together is not that easy. It can be particularly difficult for single fathers to raise their daughters because there are factors that may not be understood by males in general. Therefore they need some external advice that could be used to give right direction. There are complex feelings, developmental changes, social situations and personal problems that need to be understood. Here are some tips for single fathers that could be used to in order to navigate growth of their daughters.

Parenting Tips for Single Fathers for Daughters

1. Keep lines of communication open

Do not pre-assume your problems and do not take it for granted. Many men usually take it on themselves to solve the problem; however it is not always easy. Communication with daughters should be taken in a very open and unbiased way. Daughters do not always want that anyone should give solutions to them; rather sometimes they just need to be heard and understood. Hence you must speak to them and listen to their problems and things that they are going through.

2. Teach them to be problem solver

It won’t be possible for your daughters to always come to you for help. As they grow they will try to keep something to themselves. To tackle such situations you need to teach them problem solving skills that can help them in future. For this you can take them with you share experiences and give them choices in order to have that courage and ability to learn about problem solving. If she learns about tackling different situations in life, it can be easy for her to deal with upcoming challenges in life.

3. Do not be overprotective

It is general tendency of all fathers to be overprotective for their daughters and rescue them from any kind of difficulties. But this should not be the case always, observe them but do not try to push your thoughts on them. This can take them further away from you emotionally. It is better to let them face their challenges, situations and problems. Give them adequate freedom so that they can explore and learn from experiences. Single fathers need to give daughters proper space that can build self-confidence in them.

4. Be involved in their life

Being involved is different from interfering. You must know the difference and keep yourself available for your daughters to reach out to you whenever they need you. Daughters need to feel your support to encourage them to take part in activities, events and personal life. Go for movies together, spend time, and eat dinners together, all this matters. As a single parent, you should try to attend her school contests, and helping her in her homework.

5. Do not shy away from emotional issues

Remember you are a single parent and your daughter only you to come in times of vulnerabilities. She will face eventually tough emotional situations that might not be pleasant according to you to take part in but you need to be there. The best approach to this is to listen to her when she is speaking about hormonal changes, emotional expectations and menstruation. Behave in a way that she feels comfortable and open to talk about these personal issues with you. Research about them, take help if you do not know but ensure that she gets the right guidance about these things as your daughter grows.

6. Be a friend, not just a father

As a father it is your responsibility to be a friend for your daughter. Especially during the teenage, when she is experiencing maximum turmoil, both emotionally, physically and mentally, are a friend who gets her. Share your feeling to her and let her know about insecurities, relationships, changes in body and upcoming physical challenges she might face. This can help her grow to be more mature and disciplined in life. But remember when you need to switch to a father’s role and take adequate actions in order to bring problems in place.



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