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HomeLifestyleAre You A Working Parent? Follow These Tips To Ensure Your Kids’...

Are You A Working Parent? Follow These Tips To Ensure Your Kids’ Safety At Home

Even though you love spending time with your kids, your work may not allow you to be 24/7 around them. If it is a matter of concern for you then don’t worry, you are not alone.

It’s normal for parents to get worried about leaving their children with no one to look after them. Hence, some preparations and a few practices may make you feel ready and confident.

The most important thing to keep in mind is your judgement abilities. For example, you can certainly not leave a 3-year-old child alone. However, a 16-year-old child will do just fine.

Listed below are some simple tips that you must know. If done right, leaving your kids at home can be a good experience for them as it provides a sense of independence and self-confidence.

Do a run-through of unexpected situations:

Make a list of potential emergencies that are most likely to occur while your children are alone at home. Discuss each of those scenarios and think about posting a list of how to handle the circumstances on the refrigerator or another visible location. Role-playing may also be beneficial, depending on your child’s personality and age. Make sure you review the dos and don’ts of appropriate and inappropriate language.

Ask someone to check in on them:

Set up a daily check-in where someone close comes by at roughly the same time each day to keep a check on your child. It may keep your mind at ease while you’re at work.

Backup plan for when they cannot reach you:

Having a backup plan is always a good idea in case there something goes wrong. For example, if a storm blows through and the line is out for a while, it would be wise to leave them with a fully charged mobile phone, or a landline. If your child is unable to reach you for some reason, tell them to call a trusted person who you know will be able to help them in need.

Schedule a video check-in

Keep video calling your child from time to time in order to confirm that they are doing okay.



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