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HomeLifestyleHealthWorkout plans for beginners and people who have never worked out before

Workout plans for beginners and people who have never worked out before

We all did that promise to ourselves to start working out and get the glow up we want. Most of us start with basic things like jogging, running, walking or hiking and do that from time to time but then give up after a while.

This is typical and happens all the time because you didn’t create an effective workout plan. Let’s see the things you should do to create effective workout plans for beginners or if you’re just starting out for working out.

Start small and explore your body’s needs
You do not need to jump your way to an hour of intense workouts if you are just getting started. If you do that, obviously your body will get tired, you will get tired, which will result in no energy or motivation. Create a workout plan where you work out for 15 to 20 minutes 2 to 3 times a week. This is more than enough to explore what your body needs.

If you think you can handle it, slowly start adding more time. But it is best to stick with the 15 to 20 mins for 2 to 3 times workout plan for at least a few weeks or a month of starting.

Plan some entertainment while working out
Workouts are fun most of the time but it isn’t for everyone. If you find yourself getting bored or counting the timer very often, find some entertainment. Music is the common thing people listen to while working out. But you can also try listening to an audiobook of your choice, playing some funny show in the background to keep you entertained the whole time.

Get some workout gears
There is nothing more that makes us happy than putting on special gears. So try buying some workout clothes, gloves, any gear you think you want. They will help with the motivation and you will love the feeling of working out because of it.

Start or end your workout with cardio
Cardio is the best thing to either start or end your workout with because you have to increase your heart rate. Don’t rely on cardio too much. Just do it for about 5 to 10 mins and get started with your workout.

Most people prefer doing cardio such as treadmill, stair climber, rope jumping etc. before their actual workouts.

Be patient and kind with yourself
Don’t give up if you can’t follow one workout session. Plan it the next day or when you find time and include them in your schedule. You will always try to talk yourself out of it after a few weeks because it is not new anymore.

So stop giving up and be patient. It will take time to find the best workout plan or session for yourself.

A beginner-friendly workout plan

Here’s a beginner-friendly workout plan suggestion from us:
● Start walking or running and set a realistic goal such as walking 10k steps per day or running for a few miles per day.
● Start with 10-minute body workouts and do them 2 or 3 times a week.
● Choose easy cardio like jumping rope or treadmill. Do it for about 5 to 10 minutes.
● Do not go overboard. Work out for about 20 minutes and give yourself a break when you need it.

● Move around a lot and make sure you hydrate yourself enough all day long.
● Do not forget to eat protein and veggie-filled meals. Plan your pre and post-workout meals to get enough nutrition.

If you found this post useful, check out fitness and health tips in our health and fitness category.



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