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HomeLifestyle5 Tips for Dating after Divorce

5 Tips for Dating after Divorce

Feel like dating again after a recent divorce? It is going to be much different now! The baggage of relationship with your previous spouse can upset all the hopes of even enjoying the time with a new person, leave alone trying a new relationship. If you have kids, it brings another issue into the picture. Should you tell your date right away or wait for the right moment? Some tips for dating after divorce can help you tide over rough waters of this phase in your life.

Dating Tips for Divorcees

  • Taking Stock – First of all, ask yourself sincerely about what you expect from this date? Is it just to fill the void created by your ex-spouse leaving you? Only you can answer this question by sincere introspection. Ask yourself, “What do I want from this new relationship?” If you find that it is just to get what you have lost, it might be disappointing for you. Your new date may not turn out anything like your ex-spouse after all!
  • After letting go of your last relationship problems and baggages you need to start afresh. Go out and enjoy your time with the other person’s company. Let things pan out without unreasonable expectations.
  • Choose a public place for your first date. Movies, busy restaurant, bowling, any place that will not make it embarrassing for the two of you. You don’t have to get into a situation when you feel forced to be private with a stranger. Keep the mood light and with someone you are interested in. Shun all ideas of jumping in the sac as early as this. It should only come about when you have got to know the person and consider him as a long-term relationship prospect.
  • Do not talk about your ex-spouse. Conversations about what happened during divorce; how the kids miss their father and how bad you feel about it should be avoided.
  • If you have kids, do not let your date know about it for starters. It can be heart-breaking for your kids if they are introduced to this new father-figure and you decide to leave him after some time. It is much better that you do not introduce your kids till the time you realise that the person is a possibility for long-term relationship. If your date gets the message that you are just looking for someone to fill the void left by your previous relationship, he will never ask you out again. If he asks about it, you may relate the events with a steady mind.


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