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HomeLifestyleHis Habits Define Him

His Habits Define Him

You are deeply in love with your partner and willing to ignore those bad habits even if they become unbearable at times. So far so good, but ever thought these traits may be a sign of a kink in his personality? Bad habits can be a sign of deep seated problem in your man’s personality.

  • Loudly proclaiming achievements – Some men are very loudly vocal about their achievements especially when ladies are around. It is best ignored but if you are getting this too often, it can be a sign of obsessive disorder. If can be a sign of narcissism that comes from poor self esteem. Speaking loudly is a way of making himself feel better and tide over the feeling of inferiority.
  • Always “checking out” other women – There is no man who does not appreciate beauty but some of them stretch this habit to the limit. They would keep gawking at a woman till everyone is uncomfortable. This is a sign of low respect for women. For him, women are no more than objects of pleasure, a good looking showpiece in a shop window. If your man is one of these men, watch out!
  • Not listening to me – Men are really good at listening what is important and not lending an ear when you are just trying to tell him, how it made you “feel” such and such. Being problem solvers by nature, men are not interested in things that would not lead them to a solution. So, if you want your man to listen to you, keep your narration short and as factual as possible. It should direct him towards a plan of action. This is especially important when your relationship is past the initial dating stage. Men would never listen to something like you being upset over wanting the same designer dress as your colleague.
  • He is untidy and messes up the home – Some men never get the hang of keeping things in the right place after using them. This is actually a sign of overly caring mom. His mom would have let him all the fun and never insisted that he should clean up too. The natural good manners of keeping things in their place after using them was never learned.
  • He gets drunk at every social gathering – Most women learn to accept their partner as a social drinker but it can get very irritating if he gets completely inebriated on every occasion of social drinking. The inclination to get drunk often, so much that it becomes difficult to even stand on one’s legs, is indicative of a problem that is disturbing him. Apart from the possibility of a problem that he is unable to share or solve by himself, it can also mean that he does not like the idea of shouldering responsibility. Having poor role model as a father or a family history of alcoholism might be responsible for this behaviour.


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