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HomeLifestyleHealthNeed A Post Festive Detox? Try These 5 Helpful Yoga Poses At...

Need A Post Festive Detox? Try These 5 Helpful Yoga Poses At Home

It is natural for anyone to prefer a full body detox after the festival days. The festive season includes celebrations like Navratri, Diwali and Chatt Puja, after which there are many people who become a victim of weight gain. These events are full of sweets, fried food and you indulge in so many parties, that there is no time left for exercising. However, it is important to give your body a detox with both workout and healthy diet. Yoga can help in detoxifying the body after the festivals of delicacies. Many experts suggest yoga as a beneficial form of exercise to tone your body and purify it from the inside as well. Keep reading to know about helpful yoga poses to do at home for post festive detox.

Yoga poses for post festive detox

Practicing easy and simple yoga postures atleast twice a day, once in the morning and in the evening is useful. Consuming too much sweet and fried foods leave a major impact on our physical well-being. Yoga is popular for its highly beneficial for the mind as well as the body. So, here are 5 helpful yoga poses for post festive detox:

1. Bridge pose

Setu bandha sarvangasana or bridge pose is a backbend asana that focuses on the spine, neck and chest. This pose will improve the function of abdominal organs, lungs and thyroid, and detoxify the body by treating fatigue and anxiety. It also helps in better digestion and eliminates unnecessary waste from the body.

  • Lie on your back with the knees bent
  • Then, place your feet parallel to each other at a basic distance
  • Press down your feet and try to lift your buttocks whilst inhaling
  • Exhale, and release your hands along with lowering your hips to the floor

2. Camel pose

Camel pose helps in stretching the stomach completely and also flexes the intestinal organs, thus releasing collected toxic gas and acting as a natural detoxifier. It also contributes towards improving digestion and enhancing the function of endocrine glands. You can do the camel pose at home to strengthen the back and improve flexibility of your spine.

  • For ustrasana or camel pose, you have to bend backwards from a kneeling position
  • Your hands should be placed on the heels for better balance
  • Hold this yoga pose for a 10-15 seconds
  • Do it atleast thrice at a time

3. Seated forward bend posture

Paschimottanasana, or Seated Forward Bend posture is also a yoga pose that is helpful for post festival cleansing. By compressing the organs in the intestines and the abdomen, it aids in releasing gas from the body. It involves stretching the hips, lower back, and hamstrings.

  • To do the seated forward bend pose, stretch the legs in the front, and keep the knees a little bit bent
  • Extend the arms upwards, and keep the spine straight
  • Exhale and bend forward at the hip, joining your upper body with the lower body
  • This aids in the release of gas by compressing the abdomen and the intestines, and stretches the hip, lower back and hamstrings

4. Tree pose

Tree pose can also help in detoxifying your body post festive season. It increases blood circulation, promotes better digestive function, decongests the spinal nerves and stimulates the nervous system.

  • Lift your left leg up and balance your body weight on your right leg
  • Hold your left foot on your right inner thigh, keeping it close to your groin
  • To bring the foot in place, use your hands to support it
  • After balancing your body, hold your palms together in Pranam Mudra at the heart chakra
  • Raise your palms upwards and keep your elbows straight
  • Your head should be in between your arms, and you need to hold the pose for 8-10 breaths
  • Now, repeat the same pose with the the right leg

5. Triangle pose

The triangle pose improves flexibility of your spine as it stretches full lower body including knees, thighs, legs, ankles and chest. It helps in treating gas problems, indigestion, acidity and bloating. Moreover, triangle pose helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles too.

  • It is a standing asana of modern yoga
  • Extend your right leg and bend right sidewards extending both of your arms
  • Hold it for 5-6 seconds
  • Then, repeat the same with your other arm and leg

These were some useful yoga poses that can help in giving you a complete post festive detox. Yoga is known for its many health benefits for both mind and the body. On the basis of your physical fitness, stamina, and energy, you can hold each yoga pose for atleast 30 seconds, by beginning with around 5-10 seconds initially. These easy to do yogasanas can be performed conveniently at home without any equipment.



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