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HomeLifestyleHealthKnow The History, Interesting Facts And Health Benefits of Clove

Know The History, Interesting Facts And Health Benefits of Clove

Clove is one spice that can be easily found in almost every Indian Kitchen. It is a dried flower bud of the clove tree. It adds a different taste and aroma to the food. Clove is also considered a magical herb as it has a lot of health benefits from keeping our liver safe to getting rid of tooth or gum pain. Today, let’s take a look at the history, interesting facts, and other health benefits of cloves.


Cloves have special importance in India. When the East India Company started the business in India, they grew and produced cloves in South India. Because the weather here was favourable for growing cloves. Cloves are now cultivated all over the world, including Zanzibar (Islands of Tanzania), Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Malaysia, and India.

But it is believed that cloves originated in Indonesia about three thousand years ago. It mainly originated in the northern Moluccas Islands. The written description of cloves is found in Chinese literature from the 3rd century BC.

Indian American botanist Sushma Naithani has ascertained the origin-centre of cloves to be the Siam-Malay-Java epicentre. These include the border areas of India and China and the Malay Islands of South Asia. Portuguese and Dutch merchants have played a special role in transporting cloves all over the world.

Interesting Facts:

Earlier when cloves were grown in the Middle Ages, it was used to preserve food and to garnish certain dishes.

It is also said that in the olden times, high officials in the court used to have cloves to keep their mouths fragrant during the discussion.

In those days, cloves, apart from being used in food, it was also used as medicine. It was considered a useful herb to warm the body.

Health Benefits:

Provides Nutrients: Cloves are a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains important nutrients like fibre, Vitamin K and Manganese that are essential for the proper functioning of the brain and body. It also keeps our bones strong.

Dental Care: Cloves benefit our dental health a lot. Cloves have antimicrobial properties, which help in preventing the growth of unhealthy bacteria and keep our teeth strong. It also gives relief from toothache.

Good For the Liver: Cloves help improve the health of the liver. Cloves contain a compound called eugenol which contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote liver health. It helps to reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and fatty liver condition. It also strengthens liver health by decreasing oxidative stress.



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