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HomeLifestyleHealthLoose Motions Bothering You Before Periods? Know The Reason And Treatment

Loose Motions Bothering You Before Periods? Know The Reason And Treatment

Almost every woman faces common problems like mood swings, gas, bloating, and cramps during periods. But have you ever experienced loose motions before periods? Yes, you heard it right. Many women suffer from loose motion before their periods. This problem is called PMS, (Premenstrual Syndrome). Although this problem does not last long, sometimes it becomes severe. Only two to four women out of 100 face these symptoms.


The first reason to experience loose motion during periods is that there is an increase in the production of prostaglandins in the body.

Prostaglandins are hormone-like chemicals that assist certain functions in the body, like muscle contractions, blood vessel dilation and constriction, and blood clotting.

When prostaglandin levels are high, some prostaglandins even enter the bloodstream and travel to various body parts, including the bowels.

The bowels have a smooth lining of muscle. So high levels of prostaglandins can cause the bowels to contract and release their contents, resulting in loose motion.


Take a fibre-rich diet:

Consume probiotics

Improve lifestyle

Get enough sleep

Set up a fitness routine

Eat a diet rich in nutrients

Avoid eating too much sodium

Include more fruits and vegetables in your regular diet

Drink a lot of water

Do yoga regularly

Add calcium to the diet

Consume dairy products



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