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HomeLifestyleThese Tips Can Help You Get Rid of Your Emotional Addiction

These Tips Can Help You Get Rid of Your Emotional Addiction

Many of us undergo various emotions throughout the day. While being emotional is not a negative trait in itself, being overtly emotional can have a negative impact on your life, especially when you let your emotions overpower the ability of decision making . This issue can be faced a lot by people who are emotional addicts.

Emotional addiction is a state where the addict is dependent on their emotions or to be more precise, the chemicals produced by the brain when particular emotions are triggered. If you consider yourself to be one or know someone who is an emotional addict, then you can try the following steps to get rid of your emotional addiction:

Open up and confide in a trustworthy person

You should have at least one person who can help in your journey to overcome the addiction. They can also help you diagnose emotional addiction by answering questions regarding behavioural changes in you.

Focus on nutritional needs

Getting rid of such an addiction needs strong willpower and hence, a healthy mind. Too much sugar, gluten and processed food can make your mind quite lethargic to fight off the temptation of giving in to your emotions. Replace them with nutrient-rich foods like meat, vegetables, fruits, ghee, nuts and eggs.

Meditation and Journaling

Journaling and meditation can be extremely helpful at times when you feel low. It can assist you in figuring out what set off your emotions and identifying any patterns that may be occurring, which will ultimately commence the healing process.

Validate your emotions

It is perfectly fine to feel the emotions that you go through and there is no need to be disgusted by them. The plan is to not get addicted to them and let them define your life. Validating your emotions by telling yourself that it is ok makes the job easier.



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