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HomeLifestyle5 Things Parents Should Not Say In Front Of Their Children

5 Things Parents Should Not Say In Front Of Their Children

Children learn through observation, and they can learn a lot from their parents. Abusive words, shouting and blaming each other, etc should not be said or done in front of their children, as this can leave a bad impact on them. So parents should be extra careful and mindful of what they say in front of their children.

Hearing their parents say hurtful things to each other can harm the children. Also, children can say or treat their parents and others in the same way, which is wrong. So here are the 5 things you should not say in front of your children:

Abusive words

Make a firm commitment to never using abusive language at home, even in passing. Children aged 6 to 16 learn such a language quickly. They may not understand the meaning or seriousness of the words, but they may believe it is acceptable to use them, especially if they hear you do so.

‘Shut up

This is impolite. Your message to your children is that you will not allow them to explain their side of the story. This will not only cause them to withdraw into a shell, but it will also make it difficult for them to freely express themselves.

‘Life was easier before we had children

Many of us make the mistake of telling friends that life was much easier before we had children. If your children hear you say something like that, they may blame themselves for being a burden on you and begin to feel unloved.

‘I don’t have time for you/Can’t you see I’m busy?’

You might be extremely busy and not have time to spend with your children. But you can certainly tell them this politely. All children require parental attention. They may feel unwanted if they receive the message that their parents have more important things to do than spend time with them.

‘Why can’t you be more like him?’

You may believe that comparing your children to their peers will help them grow. However, such an approach may harm their individuality. It has the potential to perplex and demotivate them.



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