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HomeLifestyleWays to Talk to Adult Children

Ways to Talk to Adult Children

Talking to adult children involves an exchange of ideas and feelings between two individuals in which you, as the parent figure have to play the mentor role. You need to balance the fine line between being judgmental and providing helpful counsel. The adult child seeks approval from you without any burden of judgment on his actions. Teaching a child any sort of activity like use of scissors may not be as difficult as communication of feelings to one who has grown up. Some tips on ways to talk to adult children that invoke a positive response from him can be helpful for improving your parent-child relationship with your adult child.

Communicate Acceptance

If you accept your grown up child the way he is, it makes him feel good about himself and this self-esteem is a great inspiration for personal growth. When the child knows that you accept him, just as he is, it is possible for him to grow and get along well with others. Accepting your adult child just as he is makes it easy for you to communicate with him. Anyone who feels accepted will be more likely to share his feelings and problems. As an adult, one needs assurance from his parents that he has turned out just fine.

Use Door Openers

Door opener is a term for conversation which means saying something which persuades someone to speak up on his ideas and feelings. You need to ensure that that you listen to what the child has to say as an adult and express appreciation for his ideas, even if you do not agree with them.

Make Important Requests Firmly

You should understand the ways to talk to adult children if you want to advice them about something. The reason for what he is being advised to do should be explained in very clear terms. A wishy-washy explanation of why he needs to do something can lead to disenchantment. You will fail to gain his respect.

The tender relation between you and your child gets an added dimension when he becomes an adult. Talking to adult children with an understanding of the sensibilities of their peer group and a particular child’s nature can develop confidence and self esteem in which ultimately leads to good relations with others too.



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