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HomeLifestyleHow to Learn Good Parenting Skills

How to Learn Good Parenting Skills

Learning good parenting skills and their application in real life is not rocket science. What it needs is your better understanding of your child’s needs and his/her approach to the outside world. Here are some tips to help you learn good parenting skills.

  1. To know the tit-bits of successful parenting, attending a child-care course or registering with a parent support group is a good idea. Taking part in such group activities or courses will develop your basic parenting skills. Attending a parenting course before your bundle of joy arrives will assist you in taking utmost care of her from feeding to changing diapers. Conversing with other parents in the support group will sharpen your knowledge on topics such as how to take care of a child, how to handle his/her different moods, how to soothe her during midnight outbursts or how to teach manners to a child. You can also take the help of internet to know the best about your child’s growth and development.
  2. Checking out some parenting books in the library or in the market will give you dimensions to explore the different types of parenting from which you can pick and decide on the one you want to provide your child with.  Parenting books such as “The Mother of All Parenting Books” by Ann Douglas, “The Attachment Parenting Book” by William Sears, “The Big Book of Parenting Solutions” by Michele Borba and “Parenting From The Inside Out “ by Daniel J Siegel are good options to introduce yourselves to basic parenting skills.
  3. Look around in your daily life and you will see few good examples of parenting. In fact, your parents can be your role model. A neighbour or a friend, who is a good mother or a father, can help you in handling your child in a better manner. Observe the way they handle, discipline, deal with thick situations and give general care and love to their children. Observing them will develop your parenting tricks; you can take note of the skills that can be followed to give appropriate parenting to your child.
  4. Rediscover the inner child in yourself and put yourself into your child’s shoes. Remembering what it was like to be a child could give you better realisation of a child’s world and his or her necessities. Setting the things from your child’s perspective can reap you a great deal of understanding of how your child feels and thinks and why he/she, sometimes, is rebellious.
  5. Listening to your child’s demands and teaching him/her the distinction between white and black is another good parenting skill. Always talk in a friendly tone and make your child realise the best usage of given resources and the need to have more.


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