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HomeLifestyle8 Simple Outdoor Games that Help Lose Weight

8 Simple Outdoor Games that Help Lose Weight

The brain’s dopamine levels are raised by all forms of exercise, but being active outside has even more advantages for the mind. Furthermore, exercising outside will increase your calorie burn by 10%.

So it makes sense to get outside and have fun while improving your fitness if you would like to sweat less and relish your workouts more. These outdoor activities will help you improve your exercise routine, shed pounds, and stay motivated as you burn fat.

Simple outdoor games that help you lose weight:

Hula Hoops

Do you know that hula hooping has a maximum calorie burn rate of 600 per hour? Even though hula hooping for an hour is challenging, it does give you the impression that it is enjoyable and physically challenging, and you can do it outside of your home or even in a park while enjoying some fresh air. Yes, it aids in weight loss as well. Start with a weighted hoop if you’re a beginner because it’s simpler to rotate. As you get better, swap to a lightweight hoop that demands more hard work from you to spin and helps you burn extra calories. Also, the elderly can use them. All you need to do is turn on some music to get started.


One of the handfuls of games that can be played wherever. And it has a strong addictive quality. Even though you can consider additional options like basketball, tennis, and even cricket, most of these require more room, more participants, or expensive things. Even a net is unnecessary for badminton. Your stamina will greatly benefit from having a lot of energy, competing, and moving around a lot. To sum up, sports of all kinds are fantastic.


We’ve all played this outdoor game and enjoyed it despite rolling over or getting knocked to the ground. You might not be aware of this, but it can also help you lose weight. In truth, if you weigh over 70 kg, you might even be able to burn well over 500 calories in an hour. It benefits your heart in addition to your muscles, helping them grow stronger. Compared to running, it is more affordable and less disruptive. All you need now is a flat surface as well as an open space.

Jump Rope

You already know that one of the simplest outdoor exercises to aid in weight loss is a jump rope routine. It is also a great way to work your legs. You won’t need to exhaust yourself at the gym by performing any demanding exercises. If you incorporate jumping rope into your daily fitness routine, it’s a fun way to stay in shape. All it takes to burn off the calories in a chocolate bar is 15 to 20 minutes of nonstop jumping assisted by your rope.


The lower calf and leg muscles can be effectively worked out by cycling. You’ll also find that cycling outside is much more enjoyable than exercising on a stationary bike at the gym. To increase the number of calories you burn, try choosing difficult routes and trails that will put more strain on your muscles, such as steep hill climbs and pedalling more quickly on straight roads.


Swimming has been one of the best exercises for your cardiovascular system, as you’ve probably already heard. Besides that, who doesn’t enjoy making a splash in some chilly water? What can you do to increase enjoyment? A game of catch or some water volleyball is always an option if you start to get bored. So all you need right now is to be able to swim and find a group of people who share your interests.


Do you have a dog and a park close by? Get a Frisbee and start throwing it around. On the weekend, you can play a game and bring some friends. Regardless, your body benefits from all the running, catching, as well as throwing. Assuming you weigh 60 kilogrammes, a 30-minute game can actually burn close to 100 calories. Moreover, you don’t necessarily have to play Frisbee; you could try volleyball instead.

Beach Volleyball

Speaking of Volleyball, why not consider taking this outdoor sport to another level? Who doesn’t enjoy the beach after all? Adding beach volleyball to the mix has made your favourite spot much healthier. Prepare yourself for a complete body workout and a significant calorie burn while playing your game. Your muscles will have to work harder to chase the ball through the sand, and as you practise maintaining good ball flow throughout the game, your alignment will get better. Beach volleyball is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise that raises your heart rate and continues to keep you feeling healthy all season.



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