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HomeLifestyleHealthWhat is Third-Hand Smoking? Know Side Effects And Ways To Prevent it

What is Third-Hand Smoking? Know Side Effects And Ways To Prevent it

“Smoking is injurious to health” – that’s a warning we see in theatres, every time before a movie begins. Even when buying a packet of cigarettes, we are warned with caution, “Smoking Causes Cancer.” Nevertheless, smokers around the world turn a blind eye to all these warnings and do not deter from taking a puff almost around the clock.

Smoking causes a variety of diseases that include lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, leading to death. However, there is another side effect of smoking that you might not have heard about. It is termed third-hand smoking.

Third-hand smoking:

Thirdhand smoke consists of the contaminants that settle indoors after smoking tobacco. Thirdhand smoke contains cancer-causing compounds such as nicotine as well as formaldehyde, naphthalene, and others. Over time, thirdhand smoke accumulates on surfaces.

It is capable of getting stuck in most soft surfaces, including clothing, furniture, carpets, curtains, and bedsheets, among others. It also settles as dust-like particles on comparatively hard surfaces that include walls, floors, as well as cars. Even if you stop smoking, thirdhand smoke can linger for months.

Side effects:

Thirdhand smoke can further be harmful to nonsmokers’ health as well, especially youngsters. Substances in thirdhand smoke have been linked to several health risks. When people come in contact with polluted objects or breathe in the gases released by thirdhand smoke, they are exposed to the toxins in it. Toddlers and infants have the habit of crawling and putting inedible items in their mouths, which makes them more vulnerable to thirdhand smoke than adults. In addition, since they are kids, they tend to spend a lot of time indoors, exposing them to thirdhand smoke.


If you are a smoker, you can prevent third-hand smoking by avoiding taking a puff inside your home or car premises.

The second option is to wash your bedding and clothing frequently, at least once every week. You also need to wipe your furniture with a liquid soap thoroughly and keep all the fabrics and toys of your kids clean.

The third best way to put a stop to third-hand smoking is by quitting lighting up a cigarette. It will not only be beneficial for your family and everyone around you, but it will also help your body in umpteen ways.



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