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HomeLifestyleHealth5 Parenting Tips to Keep Your Child's Immune System Strong During Winter

5 Parenting Tips to Keep Your Child’s Immune System Strong During Winter

Winter is around the corner and it is essential to have a strong immune system as that is what protects us from all sorts of attacks from bacteria, viruses etc. But when a child is born or is in their early years, their immune system is at a developing stage and fragile so they need as much protection as possible, especially during the winter season.

Post-COVID-19, the focus on boosting our immunity has increased. To help your children avoid illness it is important to encourage healthy and good habits. Here are a few tips that can boost their immune system.

Drinking warm water

Children tend to drink ice water or cold water directly from the fridge. During winter, drinking cold water can result in many respiratory infections or inflammatory conditions. They might also catch a cold and cough. You can give them either warm water or boiled water after a little cooling. Hot water boiled with cumin seeds or any other herbs can be used as an immunity booster.

Avoid unnecessary antibiotics usage

Common colds and mild flu-like symptoms should be treated naturally and avoid the usage of too many antibiotics unless it is needed. Consult a doctor who will prescribe the apt medication for them. Intake of too many antibiotics can disrupt the microbial flora and compromise immunity.

Outdoor Exercise

Because it is cold out, don’t stop your child from playing outside. Outdoor playing not only improves their mood and mental activity but also gives them an opportunity to get exposed to the sun and the natural environment.

Sleep Cycle

The sleep cycle is a must to be active the whole day. Children must get quality sleep of around nine hours. Sleep improves one’s lifestyle and immunity at the same time.

Washing hands

Around 80 per cent of infections are spread due to touching. We should teach the children the proper technique of washing hands even if it is winter and the tap has cold water running. They should be taught to always wash hands after sneezing and coughing which will reduce infections.



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