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HomeLifestyle10 Common Communication Issues in Marriage and How to Work at Them

10 Common Communication Issues in Marriage and How to Work at Them

Knowing how to mend problems in marriage is hard; there is no handbook on it. Even with the best partners, there are going to be communication issues, which can lead to bigger problems later on.

If you know and address these issues early on, you can nip them in the bud before they get out of hand. There are some common communication issues in marriage you may face when it comes to marriage, a list that minimizes your headaches.

Here is a list of some problems and how to fix them. Keep reading!

1. Not Listening to Your Partner

One common communication issue in marriage is not listening to your partner. This can happen when one person is focused on their own thoughts and feelings and not paying attention to what their partner is saying.

It can also happen when one person is trying to multitask and not really focusing on the conversation. Not listening to your partner can lead to misunderstandings and can make it difficult to resolve conflict.

One way to work on this issue is to make a point to really listen when your partner is talking to you. Try to focus on what they are saying and ask questions if you are unsure about something.

If you are distracted, let your partner know and ask them to repeat what they just said. Listening to your partner can help to improve communication and understanding in your marriage.

2. Speaking Before Thinking

It’s so common for couples to start fighting because one person says something without thinking first. It can be really hurtful and disrespectful when this happens.

The best way to work on this issue is to try and be more aware of how you’re speaking to your partner. Try to think about what you’re saying before you say it, and how it might be interpreted.

If you’re not sure, ask yourself if it’s something you would want to hear. If the answer is no, then maybe you shouldn’t say it. There’s always a better way to communicate with your partner, and it starts with thinking before you speak.

3. Negative Non-verbal Communication

One of the most difficult things to communicate about is negative nonverbal communication. This can include anything from body language to tone of voice.

It can be difficult to express what you’re feeling without sounding negative, but it’s important to work at it. Marriage is a partnership, and both spouses need to be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other.

If you’re having trouble with negative nonverbal communication, try to be aware of it and work on using positive words and body language instead.

4. Speaking in Superlatives

One common communication issue is speaking in superlatives. When we speak in absolutes, we make it harder for our spouse to understand us and respond to us in a constructive way.

Instead of saying, “You never put your dishes in the dishwasher,” try, “I feel neglected when I have to do all the household chores by myself.”

This will help your spouse to understand how you’re feeling and open up a dialogue about how you can work together to lighten your load.

5. Only Talking About What You Want to Talk About

Many couples find that they only want to talk about what they want to talk about, and this can lead to communication issues in marriage. One partner may feel like they’re always talking about their own needs and not hearing what their spouse has to say.

It’s important to be aware of this issue and work together to find a balance. Try to make an effort to listen to your spouse and show interest in what they’re saying.

Seek out common ground and shared interests. Don’t be afraid to express your own needs, but do so in a way that shows you’re taking your spouse’s feelings into account.

6. Degrading Your Spouse

Degrading your spouse can be a major issue, as it can lead to resentment and a feeling of being devalued. If you are guilty of this, it’s important to try to change your behavior.

Work on communicating with respect and avoiding put-downs. If you can do this, it will go a long way toward improving your relationship.

7. Always Blaming Your Partner

Always blaming your partner is another issue. This usually happens when one person feels like they are not being heard or understood.

One way to work on this issue is to try to understand why your partner is feeling this way. Another way to work at this is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what you are feeling.

8. Raising Your Voice

Raising your voice can be a difficult issue to work on because it can be easy to fall back into old patterns. However, there are some things you can do to work on this issue.

First, try to be aware of when you are raising your voice. Second, try to use “I” statements when communicating with your spouse. Third, try to be open to hearing your spouse’s perspective.

Finally, try to take breaks if you feel yourself getting frustrated. By working on these things, you can help to improve communication in your marriage.

9. Seeking To Be Understood First Rather Than To Understand

When one person is feeling unheard or misunderstood, this can lead to conflict. It’s important to seek to understand your partner’s perspective first, rather than trying to be understood yourself.

Only then can you truly communicate and work on resolving the issue. Active listening, patience, and a willingness to compromise are key to maintaining a healthy marriage.

10. Bringing up the Past

When it comes to common communication issues in marriage, “bringing up the past” is one of the most difficult topics to broach. It can be difficult to talk about past hurts and resentments without sparking a defensive reaction in your partner.

It is important to be able to communicate openly and honestly about your feelings in order to maintain a healthy relationship. Keeping your trust in a marriage is key to a healthy marriage.

Stop being jealous in marriage and try to focus on the present and future.

Communication Issues in Marriage to Avoid

By keeping open communication issues in marriage and being willing to compromise, couples can overcome these common obstacles.

Don’t be afraid to seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide outside perspective and unbiased guidance to help you and your partner resolve the issue.



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