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HomeLifestyleHealthMale Matters: What Is the Most Common Male Sexual Difficulty?

Male Matters: What Is the Most Common Male Sexual Difficulty?

When most people hear the word sexual difficulty, they think of erectile dysfunction. It’s the most common disorder among older and even younger men. It’s not the only sexual problem that guys can encounter throughout their lives, though.

Some experience ejaculation issues that leave them with frustration and a dissatisfied partner. Some men can’t manage to get themselves in the mood at all.

In some cases, one of the various types of counseling can help, but that’s not the only treatment method you can seek out. Check out this guide to learn how to take your life back from sexual disorders.

Erectile Dysfunction

We’ll go over one of the most common sexual difficulties in relationships. Erectile dysfunction is a condition that makes it difficult for a man to get and keep an erection. There’s just not enough blood pumping to that area of the body.

There are a wide array of reasons why it happens. Vascular disease, stress, and diabetes are a few of the most common causes. While this condition can attack men of all ages, it’s more common for those that are past their 50th birthday.

If you find yourself dealing with this problem, the best thing you can do is talk to your doctor. They can prescribe medication that can correct the issue.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is when you ejaculate too soon after sexual stimulation. It’s common amongst guys who are only starting out on their sexual journies. Still, like erectile dysfunction, it’s possible for the condition to affect men of all ages.

Since premature ejaculation is a common sign of anxiety disorder, someone in the counseling industry may be able to help you. If that doesn’t work, there are always medications and other types of treatment.

Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is the opposite problem as the one above. It’s when you have problems ejaculating after starting sexual intercourse. Nine times out of ten, the issue can be traced back to nerve damage or issues with the thyroid.

The treatment you seek out will depend on the cause of the issue. Some find going to a sex therapist to be the most effective treatment, however.

Low Libido

Low libido means that you have little interest in sexual intercourse. There are medical conditions that can result in disinterest, such as kidney disease and high blood pressure.

The most common cause, though, is stress and relationship difficulties. Talking to the best marriage therapist might be able to help. If your emotional state has nothing to do with your low libido, you might simply be having issues with your testosterone.

Your doctor can supplement the hormone and get you back on your feet.

Beating Sexual Difficulty

As you can see, while erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual difficulty for men, it’s not the only one. If you’re having ejaculation problems or you can’t seem to gain an interest in intercourse, talk to your doctor.

They may be able to give you medication for your issue or point you in the direction of a trained therapist who can assist you.



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