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HomeLifestyleHow to Conquer Self-Induced Obstacles When Dating

How to Conquer Self-Induced Obstacles When Dating

More than 8 out of 10 dating people end up breaking up.

Self-induced obstacles are one of the leading causes of this problem. Most people are afraid of relationships and commitment, and self-sabotage when things get serious. Sadly these people feel undeserving of love, and that’s why they keep jumping from one relationship to another.

So, how can you break this vicious relationships cycle?

To help you out, here is how to conquer self-induced obstacles when dating.

Don’t Rush Into New Relationships

Most people start dating for the wrong reasons, and that’s why they sabotage their relationship. Some date out of boredom while other cave in to pressure from friends and relatives to date. And that’s why these people end up dating the wrong persons.

To avoid self-induced obstacles, take time before jumping into a new relationship to ensure you’re emotionally ready to date. Also, take time to find the right person to date.

Practice Introspection

Many people who self-sabotage when dating don’t realize they’re doing it. These people come up with all types of excuses on why their relationships keep ending up. They argue that they’re unlucky or cursed, and that’s why they can’t maintain relationships for long.

So, to change things, you need to learn to practice introspection. You want to highlight all your self-sabotaging behaviors to quit them. Besides, once you understand the self-induced obstacles, it’s easy to deal with them, creating healthy relationships.

Understand Relationship Cycles

When you start dating, things are usually awkward and exciting at the same time. At this stage, you’re usually fascinated by each other and like to spend time together. However, with time things change, and you may feel like you’re falling apart.

Yet this isn’t the case, as it’s normal for a relationship to undergo different stages. So, to avoid self-induced obstacles, you need to learn these stages and know how to behave accordingly. You want to learn how to keep the relationship spark throughout different stages.

Learn to be Vulnerable

Some people would rather sabotage a relationship instead of being vulnerable. Sadly these people see being vulnerable as a weakness or don’t trust their partners. Understand to build a strong relationship; you must be willing to be vulnerable.

You want to build the confidence to let your partner know about your feelings and fears. The idea is to share your thoughts and work together to conquer self-induced obstacles.

Conquer Self-Induced Obstacles to Build a Lasting Relationship

To enhance your dating experience, you must learn to conquer self-induced obstacles. These things cause you to sabotage good relationships out of fear when things get serious. That’s why you need to learn how to find the right person to date.

Also, understand relationship cycles and know it’s healthy to be vulnerable to your partner.



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