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HomeLifestyleFeeling Lonely In Your Relationship? These 5 Factors May Be The Reason

Feeling Lonely In Your Relationship? These 5 Factors May Be The Reason

For many people, being in a long-term stable relationship implies that they are going to benefit from companionship for the rest of their lives. From discussing future plans with your special someone to having them by your side during tough times, people can expect relationships to give them a sense of mutual affection and support. But what one hardly expects in a relationship is feeling lonely. But you must be thinking how can someone feel lonely in a relationship? To get a deeper insight into this, keep reading this space. According to the VeryWellMind portal, these are the reasons why someone might end up feeling lonely in their relationships.

Spending less time with a partner: There is no harm in hanging out with friends. Problems arise when people start avoiding their partners and end up devoting those hours to their friends. This may create a level of mistrust between both partners, which creates problems in relationships.

No intimacy: The lack of intimacy can cause the partners to feel lonely, and may give rise to anger issues between a couple. When intimacy fizzles out, people no longer feel the urge to share about their life with their partners.

Deteriorating health: When one of the partners is suffering from health issues or undergoing some trauma, it can also escalate the feeling of loneliness in a relationship. The partner who is suffering from health issues, might go through mental and physical pain, which may leave them feeling sad most of the time. Their state of mind will also contribute to the quality of a relationship, making the other partner feel left out.

Poor communication: Lack of communication can create havoc in relationships. Couples who fail to frequently communicate with one another often face issues regarding the relationship’s growth and intimacy. Regular communication holds crucial significance in healthy and happy relationships.

Compatibility issues: Couples who date, but eventually find out that they are not compatible may end up in a mundane relationship. Resentment, intolerance, impatience, and unhappiness can replace what was once possibly a happy existence.



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