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HomeLifestyle35 Sorry Love Quotes to Make a Heartfelt Apology

35 Sorry Love Quotes to Make a Heartfelt Apology

If you’ve been in a fight with your partner, or worse, a breakup, you may be feeling regret over how things went down. Maybe you haven’t been the best partner to them, forgot an important day, said something that wasn’t very nice, or perhaps you made a much bigger mistake. The first step to fixing things is to offer a genuine apology. Find the right words to say with these “sorry” love quotes that will help you apologize to your partner.

Sorry Love Quotes to Apologize to Your Partner

There will come a time in every relationship when you’ll need to apologize to your partner. If you struggle to come up with the right words to say, a sorry quote for your love might help to calm the situation. But you must mean it when you say it.

  • My love, I am sincerely sorry for overreacting. I never want to lose my temper with you because you don’t deserve that.
  • There was no reason for me to do what I did, and you have every right to be angry. I’m sorry I did that, and I know that it’s unacceptable.
  • I’m sorry I had to cancel our date – you are still my top priority. I’m going to take you on the best date ever!
  • I never want to upset you, but I’ve failed miserably. I’ll do better for us and our relationship. Please forgive me.
  • I would be upset with me too if I were you. I’m so sorry!
  • I’m sorry I haven’t been very helpful lately. You do so much for me and I really appreciate it, but I need to do better.
  • Your feelings of anger toward me are valid, and I’m sorry I’ve upset you. Please let me make it up to you.
  • What I did is inexcusable, so I’ll offer no excuses, only apologies. I’m so sorry, my love.
  • You come first in my life, and I’m sorry if I don’t show it enough. Let me make it up to you.
  • I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you as much as you deserve. I love you so much and I never want you to feel like I don’t.
  • I am deeply sorry I forgot your birthday/our anniversary. It is very important to me and I’m furious with myself. Can you forgive me?
  • I understand if you need more time, but know I am truly sorry for what I said. It was not constructive. I’ll do anything to make it better.

Sorry Quotes for Your Love After a Breakup

We are all human, and unfortunately, that means we sometimes do things that we later regret. If you made a big mistake or you feel your relationship ended when it shouldn’t have, try offering a genuine apology. Let the love of your life know you will do better. A thoughtful “I’m sorry and I love you” quote can help you start healing your relationship.

  • This distance between us is too painful to bear, but I know I am the cause of it. I’ll always love you and I’m so sorry I hurt you.
  • It burdens my heart to know my behavior caused you pain, and I promised I would never hurt you. I’ll never let it happen again. I’m so sorry.
  • I wish I could undo what I did, but I can promise I’ll never do it again. I am so incredibly sorry and I’d love to have another chance to give you my love.
  • I know my words have little meaning when it comes to telling you how sorry I am. Please let me show you. Can we try this again?
  • With this pain I’ve caused you, I know I’ve hit rock bottom. You deserve the best version of me, and I’m so sorry for my behavior.
  • There is no excuse I can make that will undo my actions. I’m genuinely sorry. I wonder if we can give this another shot?
  • You are the most important person in my life, and I let you down. I miss your presence in my life and I’ll do everything I can to make this right again.
  • I really regret what I said. I wish so badly I could take that moment back. Please give me a chance to fix this and start again.
  • Please know I’m more sorry than I’ve ever been about anything in my life. Our relationship is so important to me. Do you think you can forgive me?
  • I wish we never ended us. I love you and I’m so sorry for how things went down. Can we talk about starting over?
  • Love of my life, I should have never let you go. I am so sorry, from the bottom of my broken heart.

Quotes About Being Sorry to Inspire Your Apology

If you know you need to apologize but aren’t sure where to start, you might need some words of wisdom to inspire you. These quotes about being sorry will get you in the right headspace to say you’re sorry to your lover.

  • The trick to apologizing to your partner is not to excuse your behavior.
  • The best apology is to show them you’ve changed.
  • If you have to apologize multiple times for repeating the same bad actions, your words become meaningless.
  • When you apologize to your partner, you show them how much you care about bettering your relationship.
  • Don’t just tell your partner you’re sorry. Show them.
  • If apologizing is difficult for you, you have to break down your own stubborn walls.
  • The key to a successful relationship is recognizing when you are wrong and saying you’re sorry.
  • Love is being willing to be wrong and apologizing first.
  • If you’re really sorry, don’t make excuses, just make changes.
  • To truly apologize is to let go of your ego.
  • Don’t let a stubborn attitude stop you from apologizing when you know you are in the wrong.
  • One of the truest forms of love is to apologize from your heart and mean every word.

Making a Meaningful Apology

No matter what you choose to say to ask for your partner’s forgiveness, remember that it should come from a place of love. Even a simple statement of “I’m sorry and I love you” can make a big impact in many scenarios. While it can be tempting to try to give a long speech about why you did what you did, or how they did something hurtful, too, that is likely to take away the significance of your apology and prolong the pain. Hopefully, with the help of these relationship apology quotes, you and your partner can begin to reconcile.



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