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HomeLifestyleHealth5 Tips You Must Follow To Protect Your Newborn In Winter Season

5 Tips You Must Follow To Protect Your Newborn In Winter Season

As the temperature drops, it becomes important to take extra care of your newborns. The onset of chilly air and low temperatures are harmful to newborn babies. Hence, as a parent, you must give extra attention to your child to protect them from falling ill. The body of your newborn baby is not completely evolved, thus it is challenging for them to adjust to the shifting weather conditions. This leads to certain problems — ranging from flaky skin, diaper rash, and rough cheeks, to common ailments and flu. Therefore, we have mentioned 5 significant steps to protect your newborn baby from falling ill.

1. Give a warm bath

In the winter season, the baby doesn’t need to bathe regularly. Cleanliness can also be maintained with frequent sponge wipes. It is advised to bathe your baby with lukewarm water. Stay away from using hot water, as it can harm the protective layer of the baby’s skin. This is important to protect your newborn baby from falling ill.

2. Oil Massage

Massage your newborn regularly with oil to reduce the dryness of their skin during the winter. As it helps to soften their skin, you can use oil infused with olive and winter cherry (Ashwagandha). Oil massages, however, raise the child’s body temperature and enhance blood flow. Choose high-quality heated natural oils to massage your little ones.

3. Clothing

To protect the baby from the cold weather, dress them in layers. It is preferred to layer them with warm clothes rather than covering them in a bundle of clothes. Choose fabrics that are softer and won’t irritate the baby’s skin. Remember to put on a cap and gloves as well.

4. Use Nasal Drops

During winter, the child’s nose is often blocked due to the cold weather. Thus, in this case, use nasal drops as consulted by a doctor. This makes it simple to open the baby’s nostril. Therefore, do not forget to keep nasal drops at home at all times throughout the cold weather.

5. Keep your child away from

Throughout the winter season, keep your child away from cold and freezing food options. This can make the child ill. Avoid feeding stale things to children. At the same time, take the child in the sun for 10 minutes.



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