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HomeLifestyleHealth5 Beneficial Yoga Poses To Give Your Stamina A Boost

5 Beneficial Yoga Poses To Give Your Stamina A Boost

Yoga can be better understood as a discipline that helps create a union between the mind and the body or individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga is widely known to be a holistic practice that harmonises man and nature, leading to improved quality of life. Based on Ayurveda, yoga has been trusted worldwide and is continually gaining popularity for its innumerable health benefits. Over time we tend to lose our physical fitness but anyone wanting to revitalise their body and maintain their stamina should give this Ayurvedic science a try. Here are 5 easy poses you can start with.


Sit with your spine erect and your legs bend at your knees. Bring your feet towards the pelvis until the soles of your feet touch each other. Grab your feet tightly and make an effort to bring the heels as close to the genitals as possible. As you exhale, press the thighs and knees downward towards the floor. Slowly start flapping both legs up and down like the wings of a butterfly. Gently release the pose with an exhale. Straighten your legs and relax. This pose is beneficial for improving flexibility and helps in intestine and bowel movement. If you feel fatigued after long hours of standing and walking, this pose can be great.


Sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward and your hands next to your hips. Lean back and raise your shins to be parallel to the ground. Hold underneath your knees to balance your body on your buttocks. Keep your core engaged throughout as you straighten your legs. Maintain the posture for as long as you can before gently releasing the pose. This asana is great for giving you a burst of energy and fighting fatigue. It is also excellent to improve your posture and strengthen your core.


Lie down flat on the floor or yoga mat. Fold your legs and keep your arms next to your body. With the support of your shoulders, thighs, and feet, lift your back off the floor. Keep breathing slowly and deeply while you hold the position. Gently lower yourself back on the ground and relax. This is an excellent asana for improving your posture, especially if you have prolonged sitting hours or slouching habit. It is also beneficial for relieving lower back pain and easing kyphosis.


Kneel down on the floor with your back slightly arched. Bring your arms together and stretch them out in front of you. The palms should be resting on the floor. Breathe deeply as you expand your spine. This known stress buster is a great asana to practice to relax your entire body. It can also help you help lower or regulate blood pressure.


Stand straight with your legs at a hip apart distance. Inhale deeply and bend your torso to the left. With your left arm try to touch the ground. At the same time, keep your right arm raised and gaze toward it. Hold the position as you keep your breathing steady. Gently let it go and repeat it on the other side. This is especially beneficial for someone who has to sit for long hours. This asana also helps with balance, posture, and body awareness.



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