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HomeLifestyle5 Tips To Ensure Safe And Stress-Free Workspace For Employees

5 Tips To Ensure Safe And Stress-Free Workspace For Employees

Most of us spend the major productive hours of our day in the office. Therefore, it is crucial that companies reevaluate the risks and requirements in a modern workplace. They should focus on creating a better, more sustainable, and inclusive place. Irrespective of the size of the company, it must plan ahead for safety rules, procedures, and more options for its employees.  Here is what you can do to promote a healthy and safe working environment.

Ensure multiple exits- In case of a fire or earthquake, employees must be aware of all possible exits from the building. As employers, you should ensure that the building has enough exits to let everyone evacuate as quickly as possible. Secondly, conduct proper drills in the office to avoid panic and chaos during an emergency.

Eliminate hazards- The company should check all wiring and electricity connections in the building. If your firm works with heavy machinery, ensure that they get serviced on time. Remove faulty machines that can put someone’s life in danger. Keep a proper fire-fighting mechanism on every floor of the building. If possible, while your office is under construction, try to ensure that it is earthquake resistant and free of any leakages.

Zero-tolerance policy- Companies should be extremely strict about their harassment policies. Any perpetrator should be punished to set an example that such behaviour will not be accepted in the office. It not only makes an employee feel safe but also goes a long way towards improving the company’s reputation. Make your employees aware of the consequences they will face if they are found guilty of any harassment.

Give safety benefits- These refer to health insurance, assistance in case of accidents or chronic illness, paid sick leave, etc. These will help them feel secure and concentrate on their work stress-free.

Create a safety awareness committee- Create a team that would ensure proper checks, educate, and keep employees aware. In case of any complaint or accident, they should be equipped with all powers to investigate the matter to find the root cause of the problem. The team should be exclusive and have no links to the other employees, in order to be a fair and impartial judge.



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