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HomeLifestyleHealthProtect Your Hair From Damage This Summer By Avoiding These Mistakes

Protect Your Hair From Damage This Summer By Avoiding These Mistakes

Summer is here, and it can also be a season of hair woes due to dry air, excess sweating and pollution. Scorching heat, high perspiration, frequent washing, and tight hairstyles can damage the strands and lead to breakage, or hair loss. While it’s essential to take care of your hair throughout the year, it’s crucial to pay extra attention to your hair during summer. You need to learn a few efficient hair care techniques that will stop hair loss and keep your hair appearing healthier. To acquire healthy and glossy hair for the summer, all you need to do is be kind with your hair and adhere to these practical anti-hair fall guidelines.

Neglecting Sun Protection

We all know how important it is to apply sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. But, did you know that your hair needs sun protection too? Exposure to the sun’s rays can damage your hair, making it weak and prone to breakage. To protect your hair, use a scarf or a hat when you step out in the sun.

Washing Hair Too Often

The natural oils in your hair can be stripped away if you wash it too frequently, leaving it dry and brittle. In summer, it’s tempting to wash your hair every day to get rid of sweat and grime. However, it’s essential to limit your hair wash to once or twice a week and use a mild shampoo that is gentle on your hair.

Using Hot Tools

Hot tools like blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners can damage your hair, causing hair fall. In summer, avoid using hot tools as much as possible. Instead, let your hair dry naturally and use styling products that don’t require heat.

Tight Hairstyles

Tight hairstyles like ponytails, braids, and buns can tug at your hair, causing it to break and fall out. During summers, opt for loose hairstyles that don’t pull on your hair. If you must tie your hair, use a scrunchie instead of an elastic band, as it’s gentler on your hair.

Not Hydrating Enough

Drinking enough water is crucial for your overall health, including your hair health. In summer, it’s essential to stay hydrated to prevent your hair from becoming dry and brittle. At least eight to ten glasses of water should be consumed each day.

Neglecting Hair Care

Finally, don’t neglect your hair care routine during summer. Use a conditioner after every hair wash to keep your hair moisturized, and use a hair mask once a week to nourish your hair. Also, don’t forget to trim your hair regularly to get rid of split ends.

Summers can be harsh on your hair, but by avoiding these common hair fall mistakes, you can keep your hair healthy and strong. Remember to protect your hair from the sun, limit your hair wash, stay hydrated, and take care of your hair. With these simple tips, you can enjoy the summer season without worrying about hair fall.



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