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HomeLifestyleHealth5 Yoga Practices To Get Rid Of Stiffness And Stress From Body

5 Yoga Practices To Get Rid Of Stiffness And Stress From Body

Yoga is an age-old practice that promotes physical activity, stress reduction and pain relief. It is beneficial because it places a lot of emphasis on breathing which both stimulates and calms our nervous system. It also acts as a complete posture reset due to its various poses. Additionally, a good posture reduces stiffness, pain in the joints and stress in the body. With regular practice, you can incorporate many Yoga poses and mindful breathing techniques that can help you stay healthy and fit.

Here are a few yoga poses to get rid of stiffness and stress from the body:

Bird dog balance

This yoga exercise is excellent to strengthen the spine and shoulders. Start in a tabletop position and extend the left leg back by lifting it off the ground. Next, raise the right hand and stretch it out in front of you. Pull your stomach inside to engage the core muscles. Hold for 2-3 minutes and then switch sides.

Ardha Shalabhasana (Half locust pose)

The half-locust pose engages and works out the glutes and hamstrings. Begin by lying on your stomach and crossing your arms in front of you. Point the legs back and rest your forehead on the forearm. Now, lift your left leg off the ground as high as you can and pull in your navel. Make sure to not tilt the body to any side. Hold for a few breaths and switch sides. You may find relief in your knee and lower back pain.

Nikunjasana (Extended child pose)

This yoga exercise aims to stretch your shoulders and upper back. Start in a tabletop pose and stretch your hands in front of you till your forehead touches the ground. Press your hands into the ground and keep your hips above the knees. Hold for a few breaths.

Supta Kapotasana (Supine pigeon pose)

Begin by lying straight on your back with your knees bent. Put your left ankle above your right knee and then bring it towards yourself by pulling it towards your chest. You can use the left elbow to get the left shin parallel to the floor. Hold for a few breaths and switch sides. This helps in stretching the glutes and lower back.


Pranayam is one of the essential parts of yoga practice. You can use these three techniques-

Equal breathing- which means equal time in inhaling and exhaling

Double Breathing requires exhaling twice the length of breathing in.

Alternate Nostril breathing is also referred to as anulom vilom and is self-explanatory. You inhale from one nostril and exhale from the other.

Pranayam helps in increasing energy levels and may boost your mood as well.



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