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HomeLifestyle16 Creative & Fun Ways to Kiss

16 Creative & Fun Ways to Kiss

Sure, the standard lip-lock is a classic for a reason, but adding in some new and fun ways to kiss can definitely spice things up in the best possible way. The old saying says that if kissing isn’t fun, you aren’t doing it right. We’ve got you covered no matter what your romantic situation.

Whether you are learning to kiss for the first time, wanting to explore your options in kissing with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner, or just want to have some fun, let’s look at all the new and creative ways you can enjoy kissing.

Creative, Romantic, and Fun Ways to Kiss

While there are tons of ways to kiss, this list explores some of the great ways to charge up your kisses and to create a fun experience for both of you. Remember, if you’ve never kissed this person before (and even if you have), getting kissing consent is a big deal. After that, there’s no wrong smooch scenario you have to worry about.

Quick Tip

If you want to make a game out of these different ways to kiss, print out the list and cut up each section so that you have one kiss per slice of paper. Now fold them up and drop them in a hat; you can each pull out one and try the kiss out. It’s a fun game and a fun way to share affection and romance.

The Pop Rock Kiss

Remember Pop Rocks from when you were a kid? You know the candy that explodes with flavor and sizzle in your mouth? This kiss challenges you to share some Pop Rocks as you lock lips. The exploding tingles of sensation will increase the shivers you experience and will more than likely cause you to laugh while you kiss. Enjoy the ride!

Kiss Them Like Spiderman

You’ve seen Spider Man kiss Mary Jane while he’s hanging upside down, right? Recreate that moment in the movie by hanging upside down and kissing from that angle. Don’t worry, you won’t have to hang off a building. Simply lie down on a sofa, bed, or chair with your head hanging off the end. Your partner sits on the floor facing you, and then you kiss.

This intimacy is very different and odd because even if you open your eyes, you cannot see each other. It’s a kiss that lets you just explore the way the other tastes.

Chocolate Candy Kisses

Choose your favorite kind of chocolate (dark, milk, or white) and place a small Hershey’s kiss on your tongue. Begin kissing slowly, moving your tongue over the chocolate in your partner’s mouth. This kiss is creamy, full of flavor, and totally sweet.

Twist Kiss

Choose a candy with a lot of spicy or cool flavor, such as a cinnamon or a peppermint. Begin kissing and savor the wild flavor. The cold, minty feeling will fill your mouth with icy tingles, while the cinnamon will create a warm burn. Both are erotic when you are sharing a kiss.

Anywhere-But-Lips Kiss

Play a kissing game where you can kiss the other person anywhere but on the lips. Kiss their neck, their cheeks, behind their ears, or anywhere else you think they might enjoy. Take turns kissing each other this way until you can’t stand it anymore and have to start kissing on the lips.

Need to Know

Real-life happy couples say one way to keep your relationship strong is to have playful moments. So you don’t have to be super serious when it comes to kissing – and having fun with it can help you connect in a whole new way.

Icy Kiss

Suck on an ice cube for a minute or so to make your mouth icy cold. Then start kissing your partner on the lips. Your mouth will feel super cold to them, and theirs will be hot to you. Take turns being the chilly one and letting the other person warm you up.

Kiss the Air

Allow your lips to hover just out of reach of your partner’s. Let your breath mingle together without actually allowing your lips to physically touch. See how long you can kiss without touching at all. This is a kiss of profound intimacy and closeness.

Licking Kiss

Choose a flavored lip-gloss that you both enjoy and put it on your lips. One partner gently samples the other partner’s lips, delicately licking away the edible flavor. When done, the other partner reciprocates. It’s important to be passive when you are the one being licked to enjoy the sensation of tasting and touching.

Lingering and Long Kiss

So many of the kisses we give our partners are quick, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Still, you can linger over this special moment by extending the time. Set a ten-minute timer and kiss until the timer goes off. If you normally spend ten minutes or more kissing, set the timer for longer. Think of it as your kissing workout – or even a micro-date.

Kissing the Distance

When you kiss, typically you are close to each other, embracing and touching. Take your time to kiss without allowing any other part of your bodies to touch. Extend your arms away from each other and feel the heat of your partner’s body kissing the distance between you when only your lips and tongues are touching.

Kissing in the Rain

Wait for the next rainstorm to hit, and if it’s safe (i.e. no lightening striking), run outside and kiss with the warm rain pouring over you. This is one of those super romantic experiences you’ll remember forever.

Quick Tip

No rain in the forecast? Try the back yard sprinkler, a splash pad, or even a snowstorm.

Kiss in the Water

This is a deeper kiss than when you’re in the rain. Wait for the next time you can go to the ocean or the swimming pool and kiss each other while underwater. Being submerged acts as a hint of sensory deprivation, which increases the sensuality of the connection. Just remember to come up for air.

Punctuate Your Kisses

Have a conversation where you must kiss every time you use the articles “the,” “a,” or “an.” They are used a ton, and these types of kisses can populate your conversation with passion and fun. It’s a guaranteed giggle within just a few moments.

Cozy Kiss

On a cold day or evening, curl up under a blanket and get comfortable. Keep each other warm by kissing each other slowly. Kissing is a great way to stay nice and toasty when it’s too cold to spend time outside.

Kiss the Chef

Cook a meal together that you both love. Take turns feeding each other the ingredients using just your mouths and seal each new flavor with a kiss.

Full Eye Contact Kiss

You know how they say you’re supposed to kiss with your eyes closed? Just like a lot of kissing rules, you can throw this one out the window. Try looking deeply into each other’s eyes and kissing slowly, never breaking eye contact. It’s incredibly intimate.

Quick Tip

How you kiss matters, but there are some other things to keep in mind too. When you kiss and where you kiss are important for getting that romantic moment just right. Pick a place and a time when you won’t be interrupted and can just focus on each other.

Experiment to Find Different Ways to Kiss

Kissing should always be special, but there are so many exciting ways to add a little spice. From changing up the temperature of your mouth to adding something extra sweet like chocolate, there is plenty of kiss fun to be had. Keep the laughter, romance, and passion in your relationships by discovering new and fun ways to kiss every day.



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