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HomeLifestyle33 Bucket List Ideas for Couples to Elevate Your Relationship

33 Bucket List Ideas for Couples to Elevate Your Relationship

Don’t get stuck in a rut! Keep your relationship fun and exciting by creating a couples bucket list. This can serve as a great way to learn more about yourself and your partner, allow you to find new hobbies and interests, and even motivate you to explore the world. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. This list of ideas will help inspire your future adventures.

Bucket List Ideas for Couples to Better Themselves

Research shows that the most successful relationships are those where the individuals feel as if they are the best version of themselves. This means that in order to have a solid foundation for your future, you and your person need to work on yourselves. Aim to accomplish these initiatives individually or as a couple!

1. Learn a New Language

Travel is always one of the top bucket list ideas for couples, but if you want to get the most out of your experience, then it’s helpful to know how to speak the language of the place you are visiting. This can be a great activity for couples who are planning an adventure to a foreign land. Learning a new language can also make you more open-minded, expand your overall perspective of the world, and improve your confidence in yourself.

2. Take a Cooking Class

Do you know that cooking classes not only promote healthier eating, but they also better your emotional health? Not only that, cooking classes are also an opportunity to try new things, learn new skills, and bond with your partner. Think about the top foods you like and then sign up for a class that teaches you more about how to make them. Learn how to make pasta from scratch, get creative with cookie design, discover the art of sushi making, or get good at grilling with the guidance of a grill master.

3. Expand Your Palate

What is exotic to you might be commonplace to others. Remove your biases and try something new! Certain tastes may pleasantly surprise you, while others will probably stay in the no pile. Either way, sharing this bucket list idea with your boo is guaranteed to make memories that will last a lifetime.

4. Run a Marathon

Deciding to run a marathon can be the start of a fitness journey. It’s choosing to work on bettering your overall health and well-being. It’s also a resolution that only 0.01 percent of the world’s population can say they have accomplished. If you and your spouse have aspirations to check off this bucket list idea for couples, then start small and work your way up to the 26.2 miles. Also, remember that it is not a race. Plan to train for at least four months to six months.

5. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Did you know that high self-esteem is linked to an improved satisfaction in one’s relationship? One of the most effective ways to build this self-confidence is to step outside your comfort zone and try something new. Take a class, conquer a fear, or start a new hobby. You can learn about yourself and help your relationship along the way. This can also be a great opportunity to bond with your partner, so get them involved in the process!

6. Perform for an Audience

Whether you emcee an event, sing karaoke, or read the weekly scripture at your church, performing in front of others is another fantastic way to face fears, build confidence, and even promote a good cause. Over 70 percent of the U.S. population fears public speaking, making this a coveted skill. Better yet, being more confident in front of strangers will make you more assertive in your relationship. By addressing problems head on, you can create a stronger connection with your significant other.

7. Walk in Your Partner’s Shoes

What does your significant other do for a living? What are their hobbies and habits? Walking a day in their shoes can give you a better appreciation for the person you have chosen to share a life with. You can do this by shadowing them at work (December 14th is Take Your Spouse to Work Day!) or helping them with their volunteer efforts. If they love a particular sport, like golf, spend a day with them on the green.

8. Conquer a Fear

What truly frightens you? Is it bugs? Public speaking? Heights? There are ways to overcome these trepidations and become a stronger person. This can also be a great bonding experience for you and your significant other. Whether you try exposure therapy, listen to podcasts on overcoming fear together, or try some other method, working together to face a fear can bring you closer.

9. Witness or Experience Birth

There’s probably nothing more humbling than witnessing the miracle of life. Whether you give birth yourself or accompany someone else in this amazing life experience, this is a moment that will make you rethink your struggles and give you a greater appreciation for certain individuals in your life. For those who get a bit squeamish at the idea of seeing a delivery, consider heading out to a farm or zoo to watch an adorable animal take its first steps and soak in their newfound life instead!

10. Learn Sign Language

Since over 1.5 billion people live with hearing loss across the globe, learning sign language can make you a more inclusive person. It’s also a skill that can open doors to unexpected places. Additionally, for those who plan to have children, sign language is a great way to break communication barriers and better connect with your baby. Help break barriers and discover this skill!

11. Give Back to Nature

We’re all a part of the same big beautiful world. If we want to keep it that way, then a collective effort of good deeds is required. Plant a tree, sign up for community clean-up efforts, or donate to reputable causes. A little help goes a long way and research shows that these types of contributions will make you happier!

12. Save Every Month

Money is a major source of conflict in married and life partner relationships. This makes saving an important topic for couples to address. Not only that, but money is the means that gives couples the ability to check off the more exotic items on their bucket list. Sit down and discuss your biggest dreams. What do you need to do before you die?

Determine how much you need to do in these activities and then examine your budget. What can you cut back on? What subscriptions are you not using? Where can you find ways to save? If you have a goal in mind, saving can be a worthwhile venture and you likely already have the money. It’s just being used in a less exciting way!

Bucket List Ideas for Couples to Better Their Relationship

Expand your horizons and enhance your relationship with these experiences and goals.

1. Get the Penthouse for a Night

No matter if you live in Nebraska or New York, it’s important for couples to disconnect and treat themselves every once in a blue moon. Find a spectacular hotel in your hometown or in a city you’re travelling to and book a night in their best room. Order champagne and chocolate strawberries and spend an evening focusing on your favorite person.

2. Go Skinny Dipping

Get your sexy back and be proud of the skin you live in! It might surprise you, but research shows that by engaging in this taboo activity, you can improve your self-body image and lead a happier life. It’s also a very exhilarating way to engage with your partner and spark a bit of romance. Of course, make sure to only try this activity in areas that allow this type of extracurricular – and check into the laws in your region before stripping down into your birthday suit.

3. Ride in a Hot-Air Balloon

Is there anything more romantic than a picnic in the sky? You’ll never get a better sunrise or sunset view and it is quite the intimate experience. This can be a great activity to incorporate into your itinerary while visiting a new area, or you can plan this aerial tour over a long weekend.

4. Shop Really Local

While farmer’s markets can be fun, why not go right to the source? Head over to a local farm and get picking! This can be a fantastically fun way to fill an afternoon, and it can bring a bit of romance to a relationship. Studies show that sweat is filled with pheromones, and these love hormones can make your fruit picking experience that much sweeter. Explore your area, pick some berries, and have a picnic to end your excursion.

5. Row a Boat

Anyone who’s watched Bridgerton can see the potential in a romantic boat ride. Not only will you get back to nature, but it also gives you the chance to reconnect with your partner. Best of all, you can make this moment on the water peaceful, exhilarating, or somewhere in between. Go kayaking, whitewater rafting, or rent a speedboat for the day. No matter what, you’ll create memories you will never forget.

6. Attend a Major Sporting Event

The roar of the crowd, the camaraderie of the fans, and the excitement of the game make for a magical experience that’s hard to replicate. When you are in a stadium, you get the chance to feel as if you are a part of something bigger. It also forces you to disconnect from the online world and focus on the moment at hand. Certain sports, like baseball, also bring music, food, and unique traditions. These are all things that make sporting events great bucket list ideas for couples.

7. Sip on Something Different

What do you and your partner like to drink? Whiskey? Wine? Beer? Consider your favorite cocktails and then book an excursion to see how these spirits are crafted! This can not only serve as a spectacular afternoon outing, but it can also give you the opportunity to try new and different products that your preferred brand produces. It’s also a fun way to learn about how these drinks are made and what really goes into making a single bottle.

8. Engage in Acts of Kindness

Being kind to others is a free gift that comes with a wealth of rewards. Studies show that it makes you happier, healthier, improves your energy levels, extends your lifespan, and it even releases love hormones! Random acts of kindness can span from donating to a good cause, volunteering your time, or even just holding open the door for a stranger or saying something nice to someone having a rough time.

These gestures can also be applied to your partner. Make them a cup of coffee on a busy day. Buy them flowers when they are having a rough week. Think of ways to surprise your love – the effort can go a long way!

9. Take a Trip Back in Time

The quintessential date night looked a lot different half a century ago. Yet, these old-school outings brought lots of fun and romantic moments. Head out to a carnival or the country fair and have some fun! Play the games, enjoy the food, and go for a ride on the Ferris wheel. Make sure that your bucket list for couples also includes:

  • Amusement Parks
  • Rodeos
  • Drive-In Movies
  • Music Festivals
  • Dinner Shows, like the Dolly Parton’s Stampede and Medieval Times

10. Place Your Bets

There’s something exhilarating about attending a horse race. They don’t call the Kentucky Derby “The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports” for nothing. This first leg of the American Triple Crown is a great choice to add to your couple bucket list, but if it’s not in your budget, couples can still partake in the fun by attending smaller races in their region. There are tracks all across the United States and these springtime events are bound to stirrup some excitement!

Got the racing bug? Consider watching these more unique races as well:

  • Armadillos
  • Turtles
  • Weiner Dogs
  • Ostriches

11. Get a Bird’s-Eye View

Did you know couples can improve the quality of their relationship by engaging in exciting activities? Gain a different perspective of the world and try something new, while taking in a view! Skydiving and bungee jumping are guaranteed to get your heart racing, but for the folks who need a slightly safer option, try flying high while parasailing and zip lining. These exhilarating activities are available in a surprising number of places and can be a thrilling way to connect with your partner.

Travel Bucket List Ideas for Couples

Ignite romantic moments and explore the world with these ordinary and travel bucket list ideas for couples.

1. Admire a Great Wonder

There are seven wonders of the modern world and one wonder of the ancient world that should be on every couple’s bucket list! These are astounding pieces of our history and amazing examples of ancient architecture:

  • The Colosseum
  • The Great Wall of China
  • Chichén Itzá
  • Machu Picchu
  • The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • The City of Petra, Jordan
  • Taj Mahal
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza (the only existing Ancient Wonder)

Other noteworthy spots to consider include:

  • Stonehenge
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • Devil’s Pool above Victoria Falls
  • Easter Islands
  • Grand Canyon
  • Mount Everest
  • The Galapagos Islands

2. Explore Underground

Caves are magnificent voids in nature that feature cascading limestone structures, unique wildlife, breathtaking underground pools and waterfalls, and extremely cool temperatures. These natural chambers have also served as presidential bunkers, speakeasies, and wartime storage spaces. Most surprisingly, there are caves in 41 of the 50 states in America. This means that these hidden features could be right below your feet. Go down below the surface and take in the majesty of nature!

3. Stay in a Castle

Most children have dreamed of what it would be like to live like a prince or princess. Why not fulfill this fantasy on your next vacation? It may surprise you, but if you plan to visit Ireland, you can stay in a castle for the cost of what you would spend on a nice hotel! Of course, the bigger the digs, the bigger the price tag, but how many people can say they lived like a king for a day?

4. Throw a Coin in the Trevi Fountain

We all have wishes, and while it is likely that they won’t all come true, wishing in the Trevi Fountain supposedly promises a return trip to Rome. Since this metropolis is known as a city of romance, this is a pretty spectacular option for couples. Can’t make it all the way to Italy? No worries! There’s a replica of this famous fountain at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.

5. Swim With Dolphins, Whales, Turtles, or Sharks

Did you know that swimming with dolphins can ease depression? And swimming with sharks and whales can help veterans with PTSD? How about the fact that snorkeling with sea turtles can boost a person’s feelings of empathy? There’s something magical about being in the presence of something bigger than yourself. Seeing nature in action has so many benefits, so dive on in, test your sense of adventure, and improve your mental health along the way.

6. See the Northern Lights

It’s nature’s light show: Aurora borialis is the fascinating phenomenon where dancing beams of vibrant red, green, blue, and pink light fill the night sky. Interestingly enough, this occurrence is quite common in areas like Alaska, Finland, Canada, Norway, and Sweden, making it an amazing event to add to a bucket list for couples at any time of year.

7. Plan a Road Trip

The freedom to explore makes road trips an exciting opportunity to truly take in the scenery and connect with your partner. They allow couples to work on the art of compromise and learn to function better as a team. Road trips open the door to romantic activities like star gazing, taking in breathtaking nature views, and exploring surprising new places. You can also check off bucket list items like being in two places at once.

8. Stay in an Overwater Bungalow

If a castle isn’t your jam, then consider renting a water villa instead. On top of the picturesque views and romantic setting, your morning dip is just steps away, exotic wildlife is right below your feet, and the salty ocean air is always present. These exotic accomodations are the perfect retreat for a couple looking to reconnect.

9. Bring in the New Year in an Unforgettable Way

The start of a new year is always an exciting moment, but for the couples looking to elevate their experience, make it a night you’ll never forget by toasting the turning of the calendar page in one of the world’s most iconic celebration spots. New York, Sydney, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Rome, and London are all awe-inspiring settings for this momentous occasion.

10. Make Childhood Animal Dreams Come True

Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! Most kids have a favorite exotic animal that they dreamed of one day seeing in real life. Make that moment a reality. If you want to feed the elephants, plan a trip to Thailand. Were pink dolphins your fantasy friend? Travel to the Amazon. Was the tasmanian devil more than just a crazy Looney Tune in your life? Set your sights on Tasmania!

However, if these far-away lands are a bit out of your reach, look locally. There are so many surprising spots in your state that can give you a similar experience, with a much more affordable price tag. For instance, the San Diego Zoo has tasmanian devils, while Texas A&M University hosts elephants during their Elephant Walk every Spring.

Make a Tangible Couple Bucket List

When making your bucket list, actually put a pen to paper. Why? You are 33 percent more likely to achieve these goals if you take the time to write them down! Also, remember that it will take time to get through your list, so make sections for items you want to accomplish this year, this decade, and throughout your lifetime. This can ensure that you check all of these items off your list. It can also help you save for the bigger dreams, making them easier to attain!



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