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HomeLifestyleHealthHow To Reduce Harmful Effects Of Drinking Alcohol

How To Reduce Harmful Effects Of Drinking Alcohol

It is common to let off some steam by raising a toast with your friends after a hectic day’s work or to celebrate some occasion. But it is also important to take up an often neglected aspect, which is responsible drinking so that you do not harm your own health or put others around you at unease or at risk.

Sonal Holland, India’s only Master of Wine, recently took to social media to define responsible drinking. She stressed the importance of developing healthy habits to reduce the adverse effects of alcohol. Let’s take a look.

Eat First

It is advised to eat something prior to drinking alcohol. If you consume liquor on an empty stomach then there is a high probability that alcohol will process faster. Eating food in small portions before consuming alcohol helps you to absorb food quickly into your small intestine. When there is food in your stomach before drinking, alcohol is absorbed more slowly.

Drink Slowly

Just like the significance of having a meal, consuming your drink at a slow pace allows your body to break down alcohol slowly over time. Conversely, if you inundate your system with alcohol, it becomes harder for your body to process it.

Drink Plenty of water

Drink plenty of water before you start consuming alcohol. Keeping yourself hydrated is quintessential to protect yourself from the harmful effects of excessive drinking. Dehydration is a major factor in causing hangovers, thus it’s become important to take the necessary measures for better health.

Eat Protein-rich Food

Excessive alcohol consumption is the cause of increased urination, which in turn results in the loss of potassium. This potassium depletion can lead to symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and weakness. To address the concern, include potassium-rich foods such as bananas and kiwis in your diet. Baked potatoes, leafy greens, apricots, and mushrooms are also excellent sources of this essential mineral.

Sleep it off

The most effective remedy for hangovers is simply giving your body time to recover. While alcohol can make you feel drowsy, reaching for a caffeinated drink won’t do the trick. Your body requires a period of rest to help you regain consciousness. So, consider taking a nap as the best way to bounce back from a hangover.



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