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HomeLifestyleDo You Have Dating Anxiety? Here Are Some Tips To Overcome Your...

Do You Have Dating Anxiety? Here Are Some Tips To Overcome Your Fears

Dating anxiety is a common feeling experienced by thousands of people around the world. It is highly likely that you have come across a friend, cousin, or maybe even a movie where you have seen characters having that knot-in-the-stomach feeling before heading out for a date or meeting someone new. If the person on the other side is your potential life partner, this anxiety increases by three to four times.

Experts are of the opinion that excessive stress related to dating leads to sweating, trembling and increased heart rate. As the stress increases, the person starts feeling inferior and ends up affecting his/her personal life in the worst possible manner.

Reasons For Dating Anxiety

While everyone has their own reasons for not being able to go on a date or get indulged in a romantic relationship, most of the insecurity and anxiety are the result of baggage that they carry with them as they have been hurt in previous relationships. The breakups that happened in the past can lead to a lack of confidence or self-esteem, shyness, or any kind of sadness.

Besides, the lack of dating experience can also be the reason behind the anxiety before meeting anyone new. Other reasons include safety concerns, health problems, and rejections in the past.

How To Overcome Fear Of Dating

While it is okay to be anxious and stressed before starting to date again after a long-term relationship, it is important to overcome the fear and deal with the situation especially if the reason is rejection or a heartbreak in the past. Well, if the anxiety outgrows your confidence and overall personality, it becomes necessary to seek help from a therapist.

In addition to that, understand mindfulness and practice it on a regular basis while controlling your emotions to avoid getting trapped in the loop of negative thoughts. Meanwhile, do not forget to meditate in life. Rather, talk to yourself daily at least for a few minutes. Sort your mind and decide if you want short-term dating or simply get married and communicate with your respective partners about the same.



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