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HomeLifestyle9 French Kissing Techniques to Spice Things Up

9 French Kissing Techniques to Spice Things Up

Anyone can French kiss, but can anyone French kiss like you? Polish your techniques to blow your long-time partner or new fling’s mind. With an open mind and no shame, you can master a set of skills that’ll last you a lifetime.

9 Ways to Make Your French Kisses Sizzle

Despite what awkward teen romance movies imply, you can’t just jam your tongue into your partner’s mouth and call it a French kiss. Frenching is a delicate art that includes a number of slow, methodical movements which can transform sensuous kissing into something hotter than hot.

Dating apps put everyone on an equal playing field, and if you want to make the end of your next date movie memorable, the following tips can add a little finesse to your repertoire.

1. Start With a Gentle Tickle

After the first few kisses, lightly tickle your partner’s lips with the tip of your tongue to signal you want to add a little spice. You’re not trying to emulate your dog adorably licking all over your face; just brush across them lightly like a butterfly’s wings. This move conveys a touch of innocence tinged with a willingness to explore, and it can be very enticing to the person you’re kissing with tongue.

2. Get Vocal With a Soft Murmur

Murmur a little “Mmm…” once in a while as you’re kissing. The sound alone lets your partner know how much you’re enjoying not only the kiss itself but what they’re doing, and the soft vibration it creates against the lips just might spark a shiver of pleasure.

Be careful not to murmur too much because it can be distracting and may imply that you’re trying really hard to convince the other person you’re having a good time when you’re really not. Let the sound escape your lips naturally when you’re really feeling that kiss.

3. Apprehensive? Try a Little Darting

This tongue technique offers a good way to initiate some tongue contact, but it’s also nice for kissers who aren’t quite sure what to do with their tongue when French kissing or who prefer only a little tongue action.

Begin with the soft tickle as described, and then gently press the tip of your tongue against your partner’s lips. When your partner opens the lips to accept you, slowly and softly dart your tongue into his or her mouth and then pull it back out. You can continue darting your tongue in and out as you vary the length of the contact.

Take a cue from your partner’s own response to continue or change what you’re doing. As always, do what feels natural in the moment.

4. Use a Soft Swirling Technique

If things are getting a little charged between you and your partner and you want more contact, a bit of tongue swirling might be in order. This involves rolling the tip of your tongue all the way around the tip of your partner’s tongue in a seductive, swirling motion.

Quick Tip

Mix techniques and styles together, like swirling and darting, to conjure up a magical makeout session.

5. Nibbling Adds a Playful Vibe

After a nice swirl, try pulling back in a slight pause, and then nibble ever-so-lightly on your partner’s lower lip. Adding teeth to the mix hints at the threat of danger, and for some people, that element of danger will be a lightening bolt to their senses.

Just be careful with how much pressure you use because a friendly nibble can turn into a bloody bite faster than you think.

6. Try Small Moves That Can Feel a Little Daring

This small move can be a little risky the first time you use it on a new partner, but it can have fantastic results if they enjoy it.

When your partner darts their tongue into your mouth, suck on it gently for a brief moment before releasing it. If your partner liked it, they’ll come back for more and you’ll know exactly what they’re asking for.

7. Try the Invading Technique if You’re Feeling Bold

Invading is a bold move designed to elicit a big response, and you should only do it if you know your partner doesn’t mind a little full contact kissing. When passions run high and the moment seems right, extend your tongue all the way into your partner’s mouth using a combination of darting and swirling.

When you’re invading, these techniques are bigger and bolder, and add a hint of dominance to the exchange. But you still have to be careful not to overdo them. Otherwise, you run the risk of gagging your partner, and that’s a surefire way to ruin the mood.

8. Get Your Body Into It

Good Frenching doesn’t happen at a distance; and every good kiss involves more than the lips. Naturally, you’ll want to bring each other closer as you kiss, but you can use your hands to deepen the sensory experience.

Try taking your partner’s face in your hands for a few moments while you kiss. You can caress the cheeks with your thumbs as you tilt your head first one way, and then gradually to the other. You can also cup your hand against the neck just beneath the jawline, or softly trail your fingertips across the jaw and then down to the hollow at the base of the neck.

9. Explore More Than Just Their Mouth

Make French kissing even more memorable by going beyond just their lips. Leave your partner’s lips and trail soft kisses from the chin and cheeks to the jawline and continue on to the nape of the neck. Dart your tongue into the hollow just beneath the earlobe and press more soft wet kisses against their pulse.

You can even trail kisses along the collarbone to the shoulder and then back again as you make your way back to the mouth. Working some wandering into your French kiss tongues can make your partner feel adored, and what’s sexier than that?

Great French Kissing Feels Like a Dance

Everyone wants to have some of the best creative kissing techniques to impress their partner, but try to keep in mind that they probably want to make some moves of their own too. Embrace the rhythm and don’t be afraid to respond to the new steps your partner adds. After all, great French kissing should always feel like a duet.



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